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Monday 14 February 2022

SHOCK CLAIM: China has released another bioweapon during the Olympic games… a hemorrhagic fever virus… here’s nutritional info on what may BLOCK it in your blood

 FEAR FACTOR 2022 ... nothing more, nothing less. The Covid-19 bullshit has failed, so the remaining parasites are going for broke with more bullshit. FAKE doctor and crisis actor? Bullshit belcher ... breathing out more BS.

Funny how the conspiracy web sites are spreading this story like a mind parasite ... the Wetiko is just that very thing. Mind games nothing more ... so it can feed off the fear.

[Natural News]: In a bombshell interview with JD Rucker (see below), former Hong Kong virologist and CCP whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan — who was right all along about the gain-of-function origins of SARS-CoV-2 — has publicly alleged that the CCP and PLA are releasing a new, engineered bioweapon onto athletes and participants at the Beijing Olympic games. This deliberate release, says Dr. Yan, is timed to infect participants from dozens of countries around the world who will then unknowingly transport hemorrhagic fever to their home countries, unleashing another wave of a global pandemic...<<<Read More>>>...