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Tuesday 8 February 2022

Teachers Will Train To Spot When Children’s Parents Argue Too Much

[Richie Allen]: The UK is lurching towards dystopia at the speed of light. It was announced last night that teachers are being trained to intervene when children’s parents bicker too much as it can damage their mental health and impede their life chances.

According to The Mail Online:

They (teachers) will be told how to spot signs of ‘parental conflict’ and ‘step in to support parents’ to ‘ensure children do not suffer’.

This could mean meeting parents of a troubled child and discussing issues they may be encountering at home. Parents can be directed to relationship counselling if necessary.

Others working closely with families in sectors such as policing, health and social care will also be given the training by councils in England.

It comes with the announcement of an extra £11million today for the Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) programme, backed by Baroness Stedman-Scott, minister with the Department for Work and Pensions.

She said: ‘Arguments and occasional bickering might seem harmless but when this kind of conflict is continually aggressive and left unaddressed, it can cause real unhappiness and harm children’s life chances.

‘That’s why we’re investing millions into helping parents recognise and address potentially harmful conflict so more children can grow up in happier homes.’

No, this isn’t a joke. Local authority’s are to spend millions of pounds training teachers and others to observe children for signs that their parents might be arguing too much and to intervene when it’s deemed appropriate.

As crazy as this may sound, this programme has nothing to do with protecting children. It’s about stealing children. Children are a commodity and forced adoption is a billion pound a year industry in the UK.

Forced adoption is when social services recommend that a child is taken from her law-abiding parents and put in care. The decision to remove the child is made by a family court judge. The family court system is shrouded in secrecy. The media isn’t permitted to observe or report on the proceedings.

Yes, sometimes children need to be removed from their parents because they are being sexually or physically abused. Neglect is a legitimate reason for intervention too.

However, tens of thousands of children are taken from loving homes each year for something called “risk of future emotional harm.” Have you ever read Philip K.Dick’s Minority Report?

Ian Josephs is a British ex-pat living in France. He has a law degree. Over the years, Ian has helped dozens of families escape the horrors of forced adoption. He is an expert on the UK Family Court system. Writing in The Sunday Guardian in 2018, Josephs said:

Why has the system evolved this way with nearly 100,000 children in care in the UK? Thousands of officials make a good living, some making literally millions of pounds, out of this rotten system.

Local authorities advertise with posters on local buses offering £590 per week per child for foster carers (most take on two or three). The agencies supplying the foster families and adoptive parents get around £2,000 per week per child.

One agency (The National Fostering and Adoption Agency) founded by two social workers around 18 years ago worked its profits up to more than £10 million per year and sold out about three years ago to a commercial firm called Graphite for more than £130 million.

Graphite in turn resold last year for a lot more. Special schools for “difficult children” in care (in other words, children who miss their parents!) charge £3,000-£4,000 per week per child for housing them mostly in rundown terraced houses.

Forced adoption should be abolished but even more important, no child should be taken from law-abiding parents for “risk of future emotional harm”. Families should not be torn apart forever and stopped from even minimal contact with each other when there is no actual harm or neglect, merely speculation by so-called experts of a risk of future emotional harm.

Stealing children is huge business. Corporations lobby governments and local authority’s to change or introduce laws that make it easier for them to get to children.

Training teachers to spy on kids to determine if their parents are arguing and then to report it is absolutely horrifying. My missus and I sadly do not have children. If we did, we wouldn’t allow them within a mile of a school.