Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 10 February 2022

The Many Origins of Depression

 [Wake Up World]: Life and Creation themselves depend on a healthy and polarised, or magnetically attracted, interplay between divine masculine and divine feminine energies. This principle operates at vast, cosmic levels, and plays all the way down the levels of reality down into our every day lives and relationships.

he eternal attraction and dance between masculine and feminine depends on their contrast, which like the sides of a magnet, allows for deep and lasting attraction and energy and energy exchange, which ultimately is creative in nature.

Our most immediate cosmic embodiment of the divine masculine and feminine is the Sun and the Earth and how together these great beings come together to create life and the playground for humanity’s evolution. Our cosmic parents are wonderful example of the receptive feminine taking in the divine light and heat of the masculine and transforming this in myriad ways into the life we know on this planet. If we wish to build a new reality, and new life, and a new Earth experience, we can learn from this example.

How can women move into a healthy feminine polarity and attract a healthy masculine energy into their lives?

One of the great challenges that women face today is that many of us have been taught or conditioned to be in our masculine, rather than feminine energy.

The first wave of western feminism, which brought us incredible and much needed levels of educational, social, economic and political emancipation, also had its shadow side. It brought us into a new level of power by bringing us further into our masculine energy, or our “Yang side”.

Being in our “Yang (masculine) side” has us in the energy of doing, striving, controlling fighting, defending our space and our being. It allows us to achieve great things but often in ways that ultimately exhaust us as we are not operating from our natural feminine energy....<<<Read More>>>...