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Wednesday 16 February 2022

Why The Matrix Was Designed For You to Escape

[Waking Times]: It was fringe researcher Jordan Maxwell who said, “Nothing in this world is the way you think it is…nothing!”

An idea that has always resonated with me, for most of my adult life I’ve questioned the surface level of reality and moreover, the machinations that seem embedded within its framework

Since the original movie The Matrix shattered the notion of reality as we thought it to be, for many the idea that we may be living in such a place – perhaps a reality designed via a simulation, scores of people now question the baseline of what we believe to be real.

Assuming our reality and all that undergirds it is intelligently designed by what many call God or Universe or Source – whatever this omnipotent level of consciousness is, one would assume there must be purpose and intent.

But just what is the intent? Furthermore, who’s been charged with the task of designing it, whether for better or worse?

When looking at the “worse” of reality, why on Earth would God build “the bad” into this intelligent design?

Some contend that at this level of reality a distinction between a given thing and its polar opposite is absolutely necessary in order to understand the characteristics of each.

Alchemy is one form of reality distillation that understands the power inherent in the unification of opposites – the goal of blending two opposing parts of reality to create a third reality that is comprised of both yet the elements remain distinct on their own.

Still, right now at the level of reality that most humans recognize, the ramifications of distinct opposites couldn’t be more in your face.

The side that appears as bad, evil, negative et al seems to be trying it’s level best to co-opt and hijack it’s enemy (that of good). Ergo, there is no blending to be had.

Those who’ve been key to eye the seemingly unrelenting malevolence of activity on this planet for millennia feel that there is some influence that has been likened to demonic or archon like beings. An ancient and yet advanced form of control who feels that the planet belongs to them and so do the people who roam it’s surface.

Included in their diabolical agenda is to obliterate huge numbers of the human species and subjugate the rest for their own selfish purposes.

Just the mere idea of such a plan is absurd to many unsuspecting individuals, oblivious to the large repository of documented history that shows ample evidence that such an agenda is entirely real.

But here’s where the rabbit hole gets infinitely deep: Could this planet that has been likened to a prison (in more recent years) have a trap door that is available to any and everyone who can find it and summon the courage to walk through it?...<<<Read More>>>....