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Saturday 5 March 2022

Gordon Brown Wants Nuremberg Style Trial For Vladimir Putin

[Richie Allen]: Well, I’ve heard it all now. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said today that the West should set up a new Nuremberg so that the Russian president Vladimir Putin can be tried for war crimes in Ukraine.

According to The Telegraph:

The former prime minister called on countries to support the creation of a special tribunal, modelled on the response to Nazi war crimes after the Second World War.

He joined Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian foreign minister, at an event by the Chatham House think-tank to unveil the plan, which was formed by senior legal experts.

The move would echo that of nations that met in London to draft a resolution on the actions of Hitler’s Germany, and which led to the creation of the International Military Tribunals and the Nuremberg trials.

Mr Brown argued that this was needed in addition to the investigations being carried out by the International Criminal Court into the actions of Mr. Putin and Russian forces.

Brown actually said:

“Ukraine wants our full support to expose and punish the crime of aggression, and that can be done by setting up a special tribunal on the lines proposed in 1942.

President Putin has posed a fateful challenge to the post-1945 international order. He has sought to replace the rule of law with a misuse of force. If we were to acquiesce in any way, none of us could ever take freedom or democracy for granted ever again.

For all these reasons, and because of the scale of the suffering of the people of Ukraine, I believe that most people would agree that this act of aggression cannot go uninvestigated, unprosecuted or unpunished.”

Gordon Brown and his former best mate Tony Blair invaded the sovereign state of Iraq (along with the US), and slaughtered more than one million people. Millions more fled to get away from the genocide.

It’s an inversion. It’s vaudeville. I’m running out of words to describe it. I mean, Gordon fucking Brown talking about creating Nuremberg style trials is a sick joke isn’t it?

I’ve said it on the radio show. Brown’s (and Blair’s) current address should be The Tower of London. They should be spending the rest of their days hanging upside-down by their ankles, to enable the sons and daughters of their millions of victims to walk through the room and piss on their evil fucking faces.