Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 7 March 2022

Let’s Speak of the Unseen… The Unified Field

 [Waking Times]: It is strange, very odd, that humanity has arrived this far along its journey and yet still clings to such antiquated thinking. Even today, vast numbers of people still think that when they die, that’s it. They’re dead. Gone. No more. Life after death of the physical body sounds incredible still for so many. Why should this be? Why do so many people continue to believe that life is a one-off transitory affair? It’s a belief of separation. A life of a momentary blip in the vastness of things. It is time to change our thinking, in mass. That is, not just scattered individuals but collectively – as a whole species. We have to relearn – to re-member ourselves – in order to recognize that all life is intrinsically connected as all life remains a part of the one unified Source. Matter is a state of vibration. Just as water can be liquid, solid, and vapour; so too can frequency be energy fields, waves, and physical particles. Everything in manifestation has come forth through a change in energy frequency. Everything is vibration – the inventor Tesla said the same thing. Form comes into being from no-form. At all times, form is related and connected to the energy-state of no-form.

Human life – in fact, all life – is more than that which our physical eyes can see. Our senses are limited whilst they are contained within a state of perceptual slumber. That is, we each know – instinctively in our depths – that we are more than the physical vehicle we inhabit. Religions have been attempts at re-binding us to this lost knowledge of our innate existence within the infinite consciousness pool. The word ‘religion comes from the Latin word religare – to bind. Through religious practices we are being compelled to remember and recognize (re-cognize) our inherent bond to the Source of which we are a manifestation at the physical energetic component. And yet, within our cultures we are said to be ‘spiritual’ when we attempt to pursue these paths and practices of remembrance and bonding. However, why should it be deemed ‘spiritual’ to be pursuing our natural heritage – our lineage of existence? To exist is to be ‘spiritual’ for we are endlessly upon a path of the spirit, even when expressed through bodily matter. We are spirit-soul incarnated. We are having a life experience through the vehicle of a physical body. To be alive is to be spiritual for we are that Spirit. Why do we define and categorize the ‘spiritual’ as being something other, something apart? Why have we been denying ourselves for so long? ...<<<Read More>>>...