We speak without purpose because we
are immersed in a culture that encourages us to speak loudly, to seek
more, to brand our lives, and to brandish our opinions like weapons. We
live in a social media era that values speed, competition, and instant
gratification. Unconsciousness is the umbrella over so many of the
reasons we speak without purpose. We may think of unconsciousness as
another word for impulsivity. In this context, we require real
intentionality to become human beings who speak meaningful words. This
course offers practices that help us develop this consciousness around
our words.
There are also personal reasons for why we speak from impulse. For
example, family can hold enormous influence over how we speak to others
and ourselves. If we were raised in an environment where family members
spoke over one another, we may struggle with conscious listening. If we
were encouraged to remain silent, we may struggle with making our
purpose known. Our personal witness to the behaviors around words in our
childhood environments has the power to shape how we speak to ourselves
and others throughout our lives.
It is important because words have power. The great poet Maya Angelou said, "Words are things." If words are indeed things, then they are things that can be used for better or worse. Words can be used as weapons, or they can be used as balms. Words can harm and heal. It is our choice how we use them. Words do not control us. We are in the driver's seat. It may seem easy to dismiss the profound power of words with tired phrases like, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me." But words do hurt. This phrase came from a time when as a society we shunned vulnerability. In many ways, we still do this, however, we are also collectively coming to consciousness about the need for vulnerability in healing as well as the enormous role verbal abuse plays in causing childhood trauma as well as trauma in relationships. Words have the power to affirm us, to turn us toward love, compassion, and creativity. This course is about developing the tools to regularly harness the power of words for growth and good in our own lives and the lives of others.
The first step is to start
developing consciousness around our language and listening. It is very
easy to move through life without ever pausing to notice the quality of
our words and thoughts, especially when our egos hold onto fixed ideas
of who we are -- i.e., someone who never interrupts or utters an unkind
word. Often it is those of us who cling to such ideas who find, once we
begin consciousness work, that we do in fact have a tendency to
interrupt or regularly speak unkind words to ourselves. In order to
begin speaking with purpose, we must be willing to step outside of
ourselves, pause, and witness. This involves not reacting to the
incessant chatter in our minds and instead observing. This is the
vantage point we need in order to become conscious of the negative
behaviors and patterns in our words. It is a beautiful process of
learning and renewal.