It is commonly used in words to indicate something that kills or destroys, such as herbicide (kills plants), insecticide (kills insects), and fungicide (kills fungi).
Pesticides serve as an umbrella term for substances targeting pests, with subcategories defined by the type of pest being addressed, such as herbicides for weeds, insecticides for insects, fungicides for fungi, and rodenticides for rodents.
There are natural options that can be highly effective in controlling pests, including neem oil, pyrethrins extracted from specific flowers, rotenone derived from plant roots, diatomaceous earth, Bacillus thuringiensis (a bacteria-based solution), sulfur, garlic and pepper extracts, and copper-based compounds. Many of these options are used in organic agriculture.
And then there are chemical agents. The types of synthetic pesticides commonly used in conventional agriculture include...<<<Read More>>>...