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Monday 8 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 'The Empress & The Emperor'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Merlin Tarot)
Monday 8th October 2007
10:15pm - 11:10pm

My most trusted and favoured tarot over the years are the Merlin Tarot. Indeed they were the first tarot cards I ever bought; that I ever worked with. By now they are rather worn and slightly damaged in places, however I will not replace them ... their essences contain the energy of many thousands of hours of divination.

I thus turn to the Merlin tarot at this time:

'Insights to perceive the possible situations which lie ahead for The Empress & The Emperor significators'

There is much symbolism to contemplate within this working. The first insight to note ... the 6 of Birds (transition) to the right of the Empress. I feel this insight so strongly. It provided me with a real jolt when I explored the inspiration here ... the Empress was not in any way involved in the death or murder of Maddy. Indeed the image is even more explicit than just this insight ... by being reversed it says also there was no 'transition' at all ... Maddy did not pass over at all. Confidence needs to be extended to Kate so enabling her to overcome this test of her endurance (the 9 of Beasts means endurance) ... the Fool's gold above the Empress's head indicates the path of illusion which was created that has resulted in all these awful communications (the blue crystal) that relate to the implications that Kate was involved in anyway. The blue stone to the Empress images right implies that Kate's chance to speak in her own defence has been taken away from her, as we know ... but will be returned to her when the time is right. This may well indicate some solid proof Kate has which can be provided to truly clear her name.

There is so much energy with this pattern making. So much frustration on the part of the Emperor and the Empress. So much they would like to say but they can't. There is a real sense of them riding the storm somehow.

The second insight to note is the crystal crescent below the Emperor trump and actually connected to the Emperor by way of the two other stones above it ... I gain the insight here this indicates it is somehow who links to Gerry who knows the whereabouts of Maddy. It may not in truth be a totally direct link ... as the stones suggest there may well be 'two stages' to this connection .. . those two stones suggest that this connection is not the most amicable of links ... the stone directly above the crescent is one that I use to indicate disagreements and instabilities ... the green stone at the feet of the Emperor ... an insight I am wary of revealing in full ... the colour green is a family tie ... it suggests a tie to someone who doesn't live on the UK Mainland ... (withheld) ...

The Third insight of note is the Hanged Man imagery and the sight of the 'young salmon' returning to its pool. The young Salmon is a significator in the Merlin tarot taken to be that of Madeleine McCann. The imagery here is of her return. Her eventual safe return. She appears to reside in a locality clearly out of sight to the McCanns. A hidden locality in view of two deer grazing in a clearing ... a Stag watching over its mate. The apparent antics of 'the hanged man' hiding this locality .. intuited as meaning the ongoing speculation of 'the hanging' of the McCanns for a crime they have not committed is the smokescreen and the decoy to elude the search for where Maddy is being hidden. It is a diversion to distract and to delude. A clever spin by 'a branch of the tree' to perpetuate this saga. To prevent Maddy's locality ... which appears to be an 'obvious' place if the the wood could be seen from the trees. It goes back to the cloud making machinery again. Back to the wild goose trail which has not ceased in the number of wild geese breaking from cover. Someone has felt threatened by something which occurred around the beginning of August 2007 ... and has worked frantically to make sure those tracks have remained hidden.

The Ace Of Birds & The Warrior of Birds ... suggests intelligence agencies and Gerry's connections must trace the path of the arrow taken (intuited by the arrow in the talons of the eagle in the Ace of Birds image) ... the path of the arrow links to the flaming sword and the path of the lightning flash ... which connections once more to 777 and the symbolism around that theory. Something of religious significance appears to link to the path taken by those who made Maddy disappear ... this is the insight provided by the Ace of Birds. It seems the 'nest' was truly watched prior to Maddy being taken. There seems to have been some surveillance operation taking place watching the movements of Gerry & Kate. Somehow Gerry seems to have been 'compromised' ... the taking of Maddy something of great significance ... relating to something to perhaps force Gerry's hand to undertake or consider? Simple revenge by someone who has major connections? Or something more sinister.

There is someone who carries the wisdom to realise the significance of the direction taken. The warrior of birds is some undisclosed steps and direction being taken ... some investigation which Gerry himself will participate in ... for it seems those who this investigation study may well link to Gerry's past associations ... there appears to be something there waiting to be unearthed. Seemingly something that has not be considered before.