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Monday 29 October 2007

Anahata: The Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra, Anahata, the most important chakra of the body, is in the form of a hexagram of a grey-green colour surrounded by 12 vermilion petals with a golden bijakshara.

It represents ailment associated with sense of touch and sense organ skin. Associated with cardiac plexus it controls functions of heart, lungs, thymus and blood circulation. Congestion in Anahata chakra causes heart problem and related diseases. Excess of pranic energy in this chakra causes heart attack. In this case the inner aura may extend up from 6" to 3 feet. Asthma is another example of the hypofunction of this chakra.

Within Anahata chakra is an eight petaled lotus in the center of which rests the spiritual heart or anand kanda on the right side very closely related with the physical heart on the left. An increase or decrease in the rate of heart beat serves as a warning signal that there is some abnormality in the anand kanda.

The fourth chakra has a lingam also known as banalingam. This lingam radiates golden light and is formed from a mass of tissue in the nerve center at the Anahata chakra clearly visible in kirlian photography. "Om", the unstricken cosmic sound is a wondrous treatment for all heart ailments. Patients can be tremendously benefited by the pure musical tones of "Om". This chakra is also a seat of balance within the body with three chakras above and three chakras below distributing a uniform energy flow in both the directions. The person with an active fourth chakra sleeps from 4 to 6 hours on his left side.