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Wednesday 17 October 2007

The Veil Of Illusion

There is, in reality, no such thing as water; the watery sphere, the astral plane, is but an illusory effect, and has no real existence. Yet - in time and space and to the understanding of the witnessing consciousness - it is more real than that which it hides and conceal.

Any true aspirant knows that her/his spiritual progress can be gauged in terms of her/his freedom from this illusion and of her/his release into the clear air and pure light of her/his consciousness.

The human being has wandered for ages in the world of illusion, for it is of her/his own creating. The veil of illusion represents the moment before dawn when the world of the familiar things is seen through the fogs and the streamers of mist which veil the world form and also veil the rising sun.

Extract taken from 'A Treatise of White Magic' P612 & 613 (Alice A Bailey)