Daily Merlin Insight
Using Servants of the Light tarot
Sunday 11th November 2007
10:00pm - 10:45pm
Insights in connection with the ongoing mystery intuited via an open channel. Anything surrounding the situation of any significance.

The first observation of note is the 10 of Staves - 9 of Weapons - 8 of Weapons sequence through the centre of the working. The familiar number sequence appearing once more. Weight is further added to this repetition with the 7 of Weapons appearing at the top right ... thus we have the 7-8-9-10 again ... but the sequence is wrong with the timing ... it goes from future to past? Significant ... as something has changed? Or mere coincidence. The 8 of Weapons indicates 'the current locality of MM' ... the Sangri-La of the mystery. Where it is within the casting; the location will become known in the near future and it appears it takes a trip back close to where it all began in the past for MM to be freed. Beside the imagery of capture in the 10 of Staves ... is a piece of Moonstone; confirmation of perhaps there is deception ahead once more. The stone which has fallen on the 8 of Weapons is my 'mystery island' stone ... or the one I've used in the past to denote holidays or journeys to travel destinations. I sense strongly once more MM is not to be found where she is being currently held. Somehow this locality will be concealed by way of clever planning. But the 7 of Weapons indicates an exchange ... the Flaming Sword handed over safe after the accomplishment of the 7 other Swords?
Clearly familiar images have appeared in this working. The Emperor which is the significator for GM .. his link to the Prime of Weapons ... perhaps there is comprehension of the reason behind the abduction of MM? The Prime of Weapons or the Flaming Sword I glean as another significator for MM ... but from the perspective of those who took her in the first place. The significator stands beside the Emperor. Besides the fact it is father and daughter ... both are viewed in a similar perspective and light by those who have taken MM. They are commodities. GM appears to have been used ... and taken advantage of. The Prime of Crescents ... the preplanning of the entire mystery ... the careful and precise consideration of timing and events ... linked to the Giver of Weapons .... adding fuel to the insights there was disapproval by fellow knights to the matrimonial choice of the kneeling knight before the Giver of Weapons? I sense to the need to go back to around the time of the planning matrimonial ceremony. Perhaps there are links between the ties then and the place where MM is being held. To those who have so carefully planned her disappearance.
The Nine of Weapons and the praying for the safe return of the Flaming Sword. Observed by those four who witness the day to day life of their commodity the Flaming Sword. I still sense extremely powerfully it is her value in all things which unfold ... including the search for her safe return ... which keeps her very much alive. Someone close to her has a prior knowing of her ...
I see a crystal chandelier within a drawing room above a large table around which a group of men are sitting. They scrutinise a screen and all which is written thereon. They make up a consortium ... and they harness all that which transpires in this situation for political and business gain? Dark suited men ... all around their mid 50's it seems . They care not about the little girl but they have others who do. They care only for themselves and all the profits their lower compartments make. One with a striped shirt ... dark grey and white it appears ... picks up a phone and makes a number of demands. It appears there is a link to research with this 'Derek'. With a David and a Brian too.
Interestingly on The Lovers image has fallen the pink stone with part of one side missing ... I have interpreted this stone before has meaning MM has still a large part of her life to lead. The missing part of the stone represents the tiny part she has led to this point. The trail of stones leads to this harmonious image and confirms for me the harmony presented to all fronts and sides by the safe release of MM. Someone on high most surely disagrees with her taking and her disappearance for so long. There is an endeavour to rectify the situation ... but it is vital to keep it all in sequence and so MM can only reappear when the timing is right in all that transpires in order to take the suspicion away from those who ordered her taking. The Emperor has directed force towards him. Opposition in directions which he follows. He is brave and wise ... his cause is worthy ... but he looks in a different direction to those who oppose him. Is this the crucial clue?
Beside the pink stone is a rectangular stone I associate with sore throats and colds. I sense perhaps MM is feeling a little under the weather at this time. Time spent outdoors in the cold and in the rain. She is not in hot and sunny climes ... I sense there is a dampness and feel of coldness in the air. She resides at times on an island it does well seem to be ... 7,8,9,10 much effort behind the scenes to have her set free....fragile times ahead. But the 11th hour is what is 'the out of the blue' which I feel is the resolution to the mystery.