Daily Merlin Insight
using Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot
Monday 13th November 2007
10:25pm - 11:10pm
Feeling inspired by the media coverage of the photograph of the apparent apartment from which MM disappeared, insights are relating to thoughts, images and sensations relating to the media photograph.
I'm met with an immediate pressure across the chest when focussing on the photograph. It is a pressure relating to the chest and lungs of an adult not a young child. There has been a panic attack here of some kind. The energy of the person does not relate to either Kate or Gerry in truth. There is a very strong personality who has wandered through this room. Unscrupulous and quite nervous of being 'investigated' ... thoughts appertaining to 'Al' again. There is a media employee who is not all he appears to be. Two faces on the same head. Two affiliations ... payment from two sources. Is this the 'gentleman' who slips in evidence to be found? There is a sense of this apartment being part of a stage show. I do not trust was is felt from this room. Psuedo and false. Not what it appears to be. Cleverly presented ... another red herring for meaningless appraisal!
'It's not right' I hear clearly in my mind; 'it's not right what is being said relating to this room. Someone is pulling the wool over the eyes. Be clear in what you see for all is not what it seems. The mind sees what it expects to see. It at times sees what it is told to see. Not necessarily what the eyes really see.'
There was no accident in that room. No residual trace of an event of that kind of magnitude is within that room. Nothing untoward. Heated discussions are about the most negative the energy that remains in that room plus some kind of confrontation several years before. Back to the turn of the New Millennium ... a bust up between a boy and a girl ... also something on the land that relates back to the late 80's. A scandalous blackmail? Neither are McCann related.
There is an impression of a distinctive night light which may have been in the room. Someone clumsy knocked it on its side? Related to MM? A traceable event? Many children have indeed been in this room. A sense of MM so far eludes me ... but that is not unusual ... I am seeking her specific trace.
The pressure on my chest again. Tighter and tighter. A gentleman wheezing and needing air. A spinhaler it seems ... a blue spinhaler .. he is wheezing and in need of air. Bronchitis. He is coughing. He is unsure of himself. Fine traces of blood slip un-noticed from his mouth. He has an ulcer too. He is an Uncle to someone ... someone who was staying in this apartment ... 'after the event'?
A Glaswegian it appears. Someone with a Sister back home and a brother overseas?
Where is my sense of MM in this room. Most surely I should be able to detect her in this room? How sure are we the room in the photograph is indeed the apartment which the McCanns were staying in? We have only the media's word it is ...
Someone with hot sweating hands now. Sitting writing quickly at a small desk somewhere in the room. Threatened over a mobile phone. Signing something quickly. A list of contact details in a file and there is something like a concertina file on the table close by. I do not trust the contacts on the end of the phone. Unscrupulous and demanding. The man is sweating with the heat of the decisive moment ... on his conscience .... Darren/Phillipe or Philip. There is the name Dale too ...

Slowly but surely the Page of Swords is able to clamber out of the deep pit ... the legal bandwagon gathers momentum ... and the hunt for the Ace of Swords (THE FLAMING SWORD) most surely is under all steam ahead behind the media screening. It is used to an advantage ... and is one aspect I will NOT explore ....
The Eight of Swords is the 'someone somewhere' behind the abduction ... watching behind their backs for sight of pursuers whilst they hold the Sword ... their attention is drawn away from their 'script' because they are quite anxious their identities have been uncovered. Intelligence works to verify and confirm the information they have before they move in ... they merely observe the charioteer now he has dismounted from his carriage ... the storyline fades now into the distance ...
Momentum gathers and waits with bated breath. A gulf/abyss seems to have formed between the Queen of Swords and the Empress. Relationships with many are held in suspicion. It is very likely someone around the Empress is not to be trusted.
Within the image of the Empress there is the Stag in the ancestral home ... the place where the stream has reached ... perhaps the stream which has led the Young Salmon to the home of the Stag ... also in the background three people are seen to be in discussion. Planning their strategy it seems. I sense the net closes in ...
Unusual the insights do not relate to the apartment photograph at all! The crystal casting is a little strange too ... NINE stones have fallen in a pattern with EIGHT stones clearly in close proximity to each other with one some distance apart from the others ....
The colours are predominately purple, green and brown. I am wary now of all which is being released in the media especially at this time. Nothing seems to be related to the Media and it is the media itself who appears to write the dialogue. Those Nine from that evening are tight lipped and silent ... for whatever they say will be misrepresented so why say anything at all ???
One of the nine is isolated or keeps in isolation away from the others.