Daily Merlin Insight
Servants of the Light tarot
10th November 2007
10.30pm - 11:40pm
The focus of tonight's insight is a simple one. A recurrent one. The focus is the central issue of the entire mystery. The return of the Shining Star. Hence the commencement of the working with the Star image placed on the table before me, within the sacred space. The insights of the working to assess the surroundings and the state of health of MM at this current time. And attempt at finding the Star ... signs of the trail or the surroundings which she resides in once more ... quite necessary I sense at this time, perhaps more than ever ...

The crystal casting has not adopted its usual clarity in the working tonight. Disjointed and imprecise. The pink stone like a point directs attention to the Shining Star ... a brown stone covers her face ... symbolic of something in the aether forming. Something significant?
Jigsaw pieces fit together slowly. But the truth is not that which is conveyed by the information network to the outside world.
The Hermit indicates lines of investigation ... outside of the narrow field of possibilities presented by the Eight of Spheres. Someone has deliberately misled the investigation over the previous months. The two tiny stones on the right of the Eight of Spheres indicates the tiny, tiny fragments of evidence and statements which this someone permitted to be investigated. From that direction the trail is most surely cold now ... and the pink lines show the purely speculative evidence that is left ... the clutching at straws which is all that files do record.
Nothing has changed with regard to that which surrounds MM except that those who are in possession of her ... look outwards more than ever into the outside world. The three pairs of hands in the Six of Spheres ... symbolic of the three persons seeking advice from the persona which ordered her taking in the first place. More instructions ... and more directives to be undertaken. The Six of Spheres lies in a compartment of the entire situation ... undetected and hard to perceive by the outside world. Where MM resides is technically at the central hub of the world ... a busy part of the Western World. At the hub of the communication network. The central point of the compass with regard the intelligence agencies who apparently seek MM. At one time all roads did once lead to Rome. But visits to there have long since taken place. Other headquarters of other key players reside in the close by to the shores where the Star image is situated. MM appears most surely to have been moved or to be on the move. By air perhaps. How come by freight when she is still very much alive? But to where? And why? Unless the net is closing in? And by former army plane is the only means for her to fly out undetected? Almost a green painted freight plane from a former airforce base perhaps ... the innards of the plane completely refurbished ... used in previous times as a trafficker of live human freight? She is safe and a priceless commodity ... very trusting of those she is with. Within a sleep filled state somehow for her it still could be an adventure. But there are companions close at hand to attend to her needs. A course North first .. landing then waiting before resuming a due south course past her original point of origin. Down past the Bay of Biscay?
This seems sketchy at best. Perhaps a transcript of which I am not totally confident. The army freight plane I saw clearly. I sensed too the life signs of Maddy within that plane ... but perhaps the plane transported her North and during that brief landing she was taken off and then driven over land North of where her point of origin was. The plane then heading due south without her on board. But she was scheduled to be aboard ... but there was an unscheduled change of plan?
The path of the Fool to deceive perhaps the Giver of Spheres which was where her destination appeared to have been planned to ... in previous transcripts the Giver of Spheres links in someway to DNA and embryos and procedures involving genetic engineering. For some reason this location I sense is in France. Someone significant in France appeared to have been due to pick up MM. But at the last minute plans did change ... and she was taken North to another hidden destination. The Three of Staves .. the two male priests and one priestess or equally the two priestesses and the one priest. A safe house and a religious setting .... someone very much aware of the stories circulated and provided as tabloids to the world.
The Three of Crescents appears like the 'birth' of further news or more evidence. Another round of 'the path of the moon' ... more crescents to confuse and entertain ... leading from the 6th month to the eight month ... through through to the end of December ... when the small green stone and the tiny fragment of Tigereye will 'greet the world' ... could this relate to the central enigma ... the pointing pink stone and the crystal hiding the face of the Star .... it seems we are due another sighting or perhaps another photograph sometime in December .... 'exchange the tiny green stone with the brown stone hiding the face of the Star' ... use the intuitive skills depicted by the Tigereye ... and then make our own conclusions ... it seems something significant is bound to have happened ... behind closed doors only those who need to know will know what truly has been happening all along this trail.