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Friday, 16 November 2007

Daily Merlin: An Overview

Daily Merlin
Using Glastonbury Tarot

Friday 16th November 2007

10:30pm - 11:42pm

Tonight's Daily Merlin is a little different in its context. I'm taking the opportunity to undertake a working which is an overview of the entire situation. I'm using the Glastonbury Tarot ... for a change ... and treating them like a 'fresh pair of eyes' to look at the entire mystery from a different perspective. Basically, by taking steps back along the trail I hope to re-establish old clues and the old adage of 'taking a few steps back to move forward' springs to mind here.

I've had this working impressed on me for the best part of the day. Very much like in the old days when I undertook pathworkings on the Kabbalistic tree of life, I would be given a pointer in the early part of the day with regard to what would be unfolding in a meditation later that evening. Strangely, this scenario is taking place as I write ... there is a sense of information being prepared (hopefully) ..... and I say hopefully as each and everyone one of these workings is an experiment.

Clearly the central image of the Knight Of Swords matches with the Knight of Weapons which which has been associated with the workings in recent months. It indicates perhaps the central emphasis of the entire situation. Toward whom this whole awful saga is pointed ... the abduction of MM is directed at the Knight of Swords and also from the companion book I feel inspired to quote 'he feels the need to protect himself from past hurts and now takes the attitude of attack rather than defence in order to overcome obstacles' ... the stance of the knight is therefore that of attacking defence ...

Clearly too there are two other images which can be easily recognised and that is the Maid Of Swords and the 3 of Chalices ... the 3 of Chalices refers to family gatherings in the past and of celebrations. A young girl can be seen playing with two older children.

The Maid of Swords is connected by marriage to the Knight of Swords and behind her is a gateway ... the impending doom of what has befallen her and the knight since May 2007. It indicates here that this awful doom has been following them prior to 3rd May 2007 ... someone somewhere has preplanned the situation and the Maid of Swords is clearly unaware of what was about to befall them. She is also totally innocent of any of the accusations pointed at her in recent times. I note this of the Maid of Swords from the companion book , and I quote 'she is in a state of rebellion against all confining structures and moral codes, and is bringing her great energy to bear in order to create change' .... thus the Maid of Swords is determined to make a silver lining out of what has befallen her. She is genuinely concerned for the plight of other parents who are going through the same as her. Once MM has been safely returned I sense strongly that the Maid of Swords will become a very powerful campaigner.

Behind her stands the menancing figure of the 2 of Staffs with cross staffs held aloft. Confrontation and revenge is threatened here and is a parallel reaction to 6 of Staffs ... that of success ... someone is thus extremely envious it appears of the position held by the Maid & Knight of Swords ... of the 2 of Staffs I quote 'the figure appears strong and uncompromising. The staffs above his head appear to halt you, to stop you in your tracks before you can approach to close to him' .... thus it seems that it is likely in the recent past someone somewhere felt extremely threatened, there is a sense that some part of the investigation became too close for comfort which forced the someone somewhere to begin pointing the finger with false accusations in order for the investigation to back off ... or for something wished for to be undertaken? There is a sense of forcing of a hand ... a compromised situation ... to force a viewpoint or a stance to be changed ... it is a clear sense here ...

The working points towards the Queen of Swords ... seen to be holding the sword in her hand. But the association of the Queen to the Knight & the Maid does not appear to be one of family linkage or blood linkage. It appears the Queen is one of a higher rank to they ... someone with greater influence ... she bears the sword indirectly ... but her truest mask is not known by the knight and the maid ... they are only aware of the mask she lets them see ... a mask which does not link her to the custodianship of the sword .... she seems to be pulling the wool over so many eyes ...

Of the crystals there is very little to comment upon. Their information ... there are 9 stones in total ... and link thus to the time when the 9 where all there together but it seems that there were in truth more than 9 gathered together ... at that time. I feel there may have been as many as 14? I intuit this from the way the stones have fallen ... Something significant by the way there is one blue stone of communication at the bottom of the working between the 3 of Chalices and the Queen of Swords ... communication is much like a spokesperson in the sense I am receiving this ... thus the blue stone relates to one who has been spokesperson for the Maid & The Knight who seems to have been there on the 3rd May 2007 and has been kept seperate to the '9' .... this person appears to link with both the offspring of the 3 of Chalices because not only is there the 'little girl' there but there appears to be children of the spokesperson or belonging to someone else whom the spokesperson was associated with who may well have been playing with the 'little girl' earlier in the holiday before her sad disappearance. The spokesperson also appears to know the Queen of Swords ...

The 2 of Chalices links to the future sense as does the 5 of Chalices and the 8 of Chalices. Chalices are cups ... cups hold water and associate with water which brings me once again to the crescents ... and the path of the moon ... those media stories which would form like a crust around this mystery in the weeks and months after the disappearance of MM ... the 5 of Chalices is the gradual upping of the tempo of these media stories. A contrived increasingly difficult uphill climb for the figure with its back to us in the image of the 5 of Chalices ... a woman with a hair colouring similar to KM ... indeed it is the progressively difficult times ahead for KM this card relates to here. Interestingly at her feet are three chalices and ahead of her are only two chalices ...

Directly above her ... almost on the summit of the hill ahead of her ... are three of the stones ... numbers 7, 8 & 9 .... a familiar trio of numbers once more ... months 7, 8 & 9 to come ... most surely between 3rd D3cember 2007 & 3rd February 2008 there appears to be some very positive news for her ... the 2 of Chalices signifies the beginning of something new .. how the insight is sensed for this appears to be the clarity and the understanding of what has become of the little girl. It is clearly a positive indicator when considered together with the 8 of Chalices which is the card of Renewal ... the sun shines overhead for the character in the image ... we see then the character of the 5 of Chalices ... and using the numbering of the cards ... 8 less 5 = 3 .... thus this I sense as meaning the sense of renewal where the missing little girl has been returned ...