Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 17 November 2007

States of Being

Just as the molecules of water express themselves in three forms, solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (vapor or steam), so does humanity express itself in a multitude of forms.

These forms are not limited to the third dimension, otherwise known as Physical Dense. This state of existence would be likened unto ice; solid, opaque, unyielding, and ephemeral. For the bulk of humanity in existence today, this is all that is known because it is all that is perceived by the five physical senses, and we as a race of beings, in general, have been conditioned to disbelieve anything we cannot measure with the five senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing, and vision.

However, just like water, Humanity exists in two other states as well.

Above the realm of the dense matter exists the Physical Etheric realm, or the realm of the Ascended ones. Having obtained mastery over the form nature, these beings are no longer split between pure spirit (likened unto vapor) and pure matter (likened unto ice), but can flow evenly between these two extremes (likened unto liquid). Many of the ascended ones whom we now view as "saints" or as god-forms of antiquity exist here.

No longer needing to incarnate into the 3rd dimensional realm of dense matter, these beings interact from the Etheric (physical nondense) realm into both physical dense and into the realm of emotions (astral), as well as the mental realms and higher. Unlike dense incarnation, those beings in Physical Etheric have transcended the need for death and rebirth, and thus rebuild and replenish their equipment constantly.

These are the non-corporeals.

In addition, there is the realm of Spirit, the life-force of humanity, who, when not in incarnation, exist as persona-forms on the astral and physical non-dense planes of awareness. Depending upon the level of mastery and enlightenment these beings have attained determine largely upon how much interaction they can have with the other planes of awareness, including the Physical Dense plane.

These spirits, although not yet ascended (and thus still subject to the wheel of death and rebirth), are the same as you and I are in between incarnations. The highest level of these discarnate entities enjoys interacting directly with those of us in incarnation through spirit guardianship.

Like summer school to accelerated students, these spirits take the opportunity to work through existing karma by helping others with their karmic issues. Quite often, there will be strong karmic ties (and that is quite often positive!) between spirit guides and their physical partners. The relationship is one that should be based in perfect love and perfect trust. Unfortunately, this is quite often not the case, and it is often the spirit, the discarnate entity, that gets "shafted," so to speak.

All too often, physical dense beings, out of fear, ignorance, and/or thoughtlessness, abandon their spirit companions. This often happens when the spirit first attempts to make contact and in fear, the person recoils and tells the spirit to "go away," often quite vehemently. There are many reasons for this: lingering superstitious fear of ghostly or invading entities, fear of demonic possession, indoctrination by one's religious beliefs that communing with otherworld entities is "sinful" and/or "of the devil," or fear that one is going "crazy" or becoming schizophrenic or developing multiple personalities.

It is a sad commentary upon our society when we react to anything new or different with fear and repulsion rather than with wonder and curiosity.

The trend of "abandoning spirits" is increasing, sadly, not because humanity is less enlightened than it was, but because, ironically, humanity is more enlightened. As humanity en masse raises its vibratory level, and the level of the Earth as well, the veil between the dense and non-dense worlds becomes less and less.

With this lifting of the veil, spirits may be perceived by even members of humanity whose vibratory level is not as high as the average level of humanity. It is these people who, out of their fear and ignorance, abandon their spirits, not knowing from where they originate or the love that they have to bring. Because of this, there are many "orphaned" or "homeless" spirit companions on the non-dense planes of matter that are very sad and depressed, thinking it was "their fault" that the contact didn't work. Many of these spirits already suffer from a low self-esteem because the ego is lessened in the non-dense world.

The lesson to be learned here is not to fear or abandon your spirit compantions. They come to you in perfect love and perfect trust. One of the truest axioms of the universe is that that which you put out returns to you; that is, you cannot attract negative, hostile, or invading entities to you unless you are putting out highly negative, hostile, or dominating/controlling energies to those around you.

If you find yourself constantly surrounded by negative entities who seek to dominate and repress you or belittle you, it may be time to take a good, long look inward and clean up your own inner "house" before you seek to make contact with the spirit world. This is not to say that you will never run into negativity if you constantly put out positive energies.

Sometimes, negative entities may manifest themselves in your life in order to be healed; they need what you have to offer. In such a case, bless them, send them love, and then send them on their way, and don't dwell on the encounter. If you are truly putting out positive, love-filled energies, you will be surrounded by those types of entities who will seek you out because of your love-force.

Remember that it is you who is in control, with a physical dense body.

You have the power to dismiss or keep any spirit who is around you. Be aware of this power, and be careful not to abuse it, but use it consciously and without fear as a protective device for you and your spirit helpers. When a spirit entity approaches you and you are aware of it, do not react from fear, but rather from a detached sense of Self and of curiosity. Ask the spirit who he or she is, and what their purpose is in your life. Remember, just being a friend is a noble purpose! (Even though gender is a physical dense illusion, spirits will manifest as one gender or the other in order to interact with us).

A good test of spirit caliber is to ask them if they have "feet." This may seem silly, but dark, nonhuman entities on the non-dense planes cannot manifest feet the way human spirits can. Some human spirits, in despair, have cut off their astral "feet" in an attempt at psychic or spiritual suicide. One's feet are one's spiritual receptors; the grounding aspect that connects us all to the "one life." The cutting off of one's feet is analogous to cutting off the cord to a lamp or an appliance; the lamp or appliance is still there, but no power can get through. These entities have deep-seated problems, and, while one may feel compassion for them and send them healing energy, it is best not to invite their energies around one for too long until they have healed themselves and reattached to the "one life."

The other, dark, invading, non-human entities are themselves fearful, for with the onset of the new energies, their existence is doomed. They may masquerade as a "friend" for some time, but as the Bible says, "by their deeds shall ye know them." These are the entities that never had feet because they were never part of the One Life to begin with.

In medieval legend, it is said you can identify the devil by his feet because he has cloven hoofs. I say that you can identify any demon by his LACK of feet; seen astrally, their lower parts look like twisted, malformed, vaporous, conic trunks ending in a point. (Wizardrealm)