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Friday, 16 November 2007

Storing Up Trouble: Sky Stem Cell Probe

One of the UK's top stem cell companies is prepared to charge thousands of pounds for storing sub-standard samples, a Sky News investigation has revealed.

Smart Cells International keeps stem cells from a baby's umbilical cord - they claim they will check the sample and if there are "insufficient stem cells" you won't have to pay. To test the service, Sky News created a fictitious baby, and instead of umbilical cord blood we sent in ordinary blood which contains far fewer stem cells.

The laboratory which Smart Cells uses did advise them that the sample was "under par"- but the company still sent us a certificate saying our stem cells had been successfully processed and stored. They also sent us a bill, bringing the total we paid to them to £1,500. When confronted, managing director Shamshad Ahmed admitted we should have received advice that the number of stem cells was low.

On the two occasions we sent in blood we didn't receive any advice.

Smart Cells International is just one of a number of companies which offers to store such cells.

Stems cells may have the potential to save lives and could be used to treat leukemia. In the future, some experts believe they could be used to replace damaged tissue. (Sky News)