Several types of trees appeared in Egyptian mythology. The sycamore was particularly important. Two of them, called the "sycamores of turquoise" stood at the eastern gate of heaven from which the sun emerged each morning. These sycamores were especially associated with the goddesses Nut, Hathor and Isis, each of whom were called "Lady of the Sycamore". Nut and Hathor were often shown to reach out from the tree to offer the deceased food and water. Sometimes the tree was anthropomorphized, having arms itself which offer the sustenance to the dead. In the example shown at right, the deceased is suckled by such a tree.
The ished tree, probably the Persea tree, had a particular solar meaning. It too was associated with the rising sun and it was protected from Apep by the great cat of
The willow tree was also sacred in
Other various species of trees were believed to be sacred to individual deities. For example, the tamarisk tree was sacred to Wepwawet, the acacia was sacred to Horus, and as mentioned earlier the sycamore was sacred to Re and the willow was sacred to Osiris.