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Wednesday, 13 February 2008

The Celestial Soul Groups

From the Beginning, the universe evolved and progressed in varying stages and at various speeds. As this evolutionary process moved forward many Star or Soul Groups formed. Through their evolution, these civilizations evolved to advanced societies, learning the balance of spirit and physical incarnation.

Some prophets suggest their evolutionary advancements were influenced by the Divine (God, Goddess, The All, this force has many names). Others believe their enlightenment was merely the normal cycle or process of life. But most agree that each of these groups or civilizations brought a specific function into the universe at their height.

Even though science doesn't support these theories, information gathered from many channelled readings by prophets like Edgar Cayce, Seth, Lazarus and others, have consistently provided information about the Soul Groups. In addition to the Past Life research that has been documented extensively by mainstream scientists such Dr. Raymond Moody and others we can gain a picture of these early civilizations and how they influenced life here on earth.

Along with these prophets, scientists and a myriad of metaphysical research theories have been developed that suggest the impact of the Soul Groups upon the evolution of Earth began over 600,000 years ago. At that time, the human species was evolving into an intelligent being. This would be around the 3rd root cycle. The Soul Groups came to earth to aid in the development of this intelligence. Collectively these groups are sometimes refereed to as the "Army of Spiritual Development". Each of these Soul Groups came with a specific purpose or mission of knowledge. But the reason for their coming is some what elusive.

There are many ‘theories’ behind the origins and function of these soul groups including:

Some prophets say the coming of the Soul Groups was needed to speed up the evolution of the human consciousness.

Some prophets suggest the Soul Groups wanted to share their enlightenment with the human species in order to share the knowledge and avoid the same pitfalls they progressed through.

Some theories suggest we are fallen Gods, who have been banished from the Divine conscious mind for mis-use of divine power and Godly sins. Our progression along our spiritual path is a means of redemption and a progression to return to the God consciousness.

Still other prophets suggest the coming was pre-ordained. The Divine's way of integrating all the created civilizations into one melting pot, so to speak. To bring all the talents, knowledge, wisdom, and universal energies together into one collective conscious mind.

This last ideal would support the "Earth, the Great experiment" theory, which permeates the teachings from many spiritual religions. What all this means to us is that we are the descendants or the re-incarnations of the souls from these groups. Many of us alive today came to this planet on mission designated by our Soul Group that was handed out long ago. Until that mission has been accomplished, we will continue reincarnating here on Earth.

The Soul Groups are named after its place of origin within the Divine Universe.

The Octorians
These are the humanitarians. They come to teach love and compassion. They are credited with being the rescuers of post-Atlantis.

The Syrians
These are the teachers of order. They bring to us the knowledge of science and law. They teach us to put order into things, in both the physical and spiritual terms.

The Polarians
These are the teachers of balance. They teach that everything in life exists in balance in both the physical and spiritual realms.

The Antarians
These are the pathfinders. They bring us the lessons of both astronomy and astrology. Helping us to find our way through the cycle of life.

The Pleiadians
These are the Bridge Builders or the spiritual teachers. They help us to learn how to build the bridge between the mental and spiritual brains.

This mission of spiritual integration began as the Soul Groups incarnated into human form some 600,000 years ago. Slowly working their influence over the natural evolution that was already taking place. The method provided them with the mechanism to bring their knowledge and purpose to earth where they could be shared with all the created species in a common manner. Each progression built on the previous civilization that has become known as the Root Races. Or the roots of human evolution.