As it appears it will be. The 8 of Crescents displays the image of a man in a black gown wandering over a wooden bridge in the dead of night. He bears a shepherd's crook .. behind him are four discarded crescents. Ahead of him beneath the bridge are two more. On the trail behind him are the remaining crescents ... it suggests there is a trail blazer at work here. Manufacturing another trail ahead in the coming weeks. Dare we trust what is to come any more than what was apparently revealed in the past? This is the enigma.
Crescents hint at things lunar. Moonbeams I associate with deception and illusions. What are the chances of ever knowing what is truth or what is falsehood? The trail has been well hidden by subterfuge for sure. What was a supposed straightforward 'crime' has been gilded by the most expensive of lilies. It has become something monumental ... created into a key world wide situation. Deliberately. Not by chance.
But the conclusion still seems upon the eternal figure of eight associated with infinity. It seems no nearer its conclusion than when it first inexplicably appeared on the world's TV screens and in the world's newspapers. There seems more dust clouds to be blown up in our faces by the walkers along this created trail. Dusty places again perhaps. The focus on the first few weeks could have a bearing on the path which will unwind before our eyes perhaps.