Pisces rules spirituality, Divine Connection, and our perspective as determined by the "inner world"....and in the negative form; mental illness, delusion, deception, etc. comes from this distorted "inner world". In the positive form; faith, trust, strength of conviction, etc. comes from the inner world as well. Much of either remains hidden until the winds of change blow in circumstances that show what we are made of. Uranus can represent the squeezing of change, which brings situations that show who we are when we are squeezed through change.
Uranus changing signs always brings in new laws, new rules. Also a new awareness by way of the changes which Uranus precipitates and the 'dirt' which has been allowed to exist will be blow out into the open. With Uranus changing focus, thus new laws, new rules and a new awareness will all combine to become the new law-of-the-land, such as "a new sheriff" with a new focus on cleaning up the "dirt" in town. Of those elements that are like dirt in the corner or dirt hidden under the corners and hidden crevices. Uranus brings in winds of change to blow the dirt out into the open and out from underneath it's hiding place.
When Uranus moved into Pisces it began the process of kicking up the dust which has been permitted to be unseen, and has released a force to uncover more of the "dirt" from distorted "inner worlds" of those that are in "power" or controlling situations, so that the new sheriff can clean up this town.