Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 31 August 2008

The 'Island in the Lake' Visualisation

To undertake this powerful visualisation it will be necessary to prepare a 'sacred space' ... ensure your designated room or area will be free of distraction for half an hour. You will also need some ambient 'new age' style meditation music to play gently in the background (preferably something in the vein of Medwyn Goodall or Runestone to set the correct vibration).

I would also recommend that the following commentary is spoken onto a tape/CD-Rom and used as a 'visual aid' to ensure the visualisation is experienced to full effect. If you don't like the idea of using your own voice, then get someone who has a calming voice to speak the commentary ...

Ok. The most important thing to do prior to the visualisation, is to get yourself completely relaxed. Preferably in a upright seated position (lying down might put you to sleep). Spend about ten minutes calming your breathing and clearing your mind of all unwanted and necessary thoughts. Really calm that breathing.

[Commentary start} Focus on each breath. Breath in and count to three feeling the breath reaching down into the bottom of your lungs. Hold it for another count of three ... then blow out the breath slowly ... feel the effect of the breathing. Calming you. Relaxing you. Empowering you.

Take in another breath and count to three slowly ... becoming aware of the breath filling your lungs. Hold it again for another count of three .... you'll feel a little lightheaded at this point. A sense of anticipation filling your mind as your spirit becomes aware of your intention to go on a journey ...

Now. Close your eyes ... keep breathing in and out in the same way .... calmly ... focussed and relaxed. Begin now to visualise a circle of light. A round orb of yellow at your feet. Yellow like sunlight. See it now. Feel its warmth. Find yourself imagining you are moving over to the orb. Aware you are now standing on the orb.

As you step on the orb, become aware of the sense of summer meadows around you in that instance. Your previous environment is forgotten. Relax you will return there shortly. Take in the sense now of the summer meadows. The smells. The bird song on the air. The breeze on your face.

At this point your imagination will create the scenery for you. Relax as the image becomes real and you find yourself standing on a shoreline. Around you are tall reeds. It is early morning and the rays of the warming sun are dancing on the expanse of water before you.

Wander down onto the shoreline and gaze at the lake ahead of you. Notice there is an island ahead of you. An island which has a distinctive hillock or tor in its centre. Walk now towards the water ... feeling excited as if you know the island is your destination.

Feel the rough shale on your bare feet and the touch of spray on your face. Notice too the figure who now stands to your right. A young male walks towards you ... his piercing blue eyes hold your gaze. Follow him then wordlessly to a small boat which is close by, rocked by the waves that suddenly break the millpond surface of the lake.

Clouds begin to form as you clamber aboard the boat, the young male now casting off the boat ... confidentially becoming the oarsman. Expertly guiding the boat across the lake towards the island. The passage across the lake a blur.

In an instance the boat and the young man are gone. You stand alone upon lush green meadows. Ahead of you there is a cave. The scene before you has a dreamlike quality. You know you have entered another dimension. A young girl with tumbling blond hair now stands before you, 'welcome to the isle of Avalon' she is whispering in your mind ... she beckons you to follow her into the cave ....

You are initially apprehensive as the cave appears to be pitch black. But she is pointing towards your feet ... there is a small yellow orb hovering near you. The same orb which transported you into this realm. Watch as it adopts a life of its own ... and hovers in the air above you ... lighting the cave ...

You stare in wonder at the beauty of the place. The cave leads into a large cavern. You walk through into the cavern and sit yourself down on a stone bench close to one of the cavern walls. The orb gives you warmth and gives you comfort. Feel the ease and the wonder that fills your mind at this time ....

Spend a few moments now in deep relaxation. Becoming aware this cavern is a meeting place. It is a space where you can venture to in times of need and in times of understanding. You are able to ask for guidance and understanding when you are here.

You know it is approaching your time to leave this visit. A person will walk towards you now ... someone who will provide you the means to call on them next time you wish to venture to this safe haven.

Watch now as the scene begins to fade ... fade into yellow sunlight ... fade into images of your current lifetime. Become aware now of your physical body ... and all those stray thoughts which are present in your mind.

Spend a few moments to return back to this physical awareness .... then open your eyes ... stand up and have a walk around to bring yourself totally back to this awareness ....

MJ Aug 08