A general 'open' insight into the mystery. Met initially with a tide of calm and controlled emotions. A conglomeration of images rolled into one and the quick mental picture of a child's kaleidoscope. A dull ache on the left side. On the elbow and the shoulder blade. Some discomfort generated by the [undisclosed] divination aid. A sense of a quiet environment. Like the sense of sitting in a library, hushed and quietened voices. But this is not a library. This is a silence but not a nervous silence. Then the sense of the rear of a car. Looking out the window to the right hand side and watching countryside pass by. Just the drone of travel. No music and no conversation. The freedom of the rear of a vehicle.
Servants of the Light:
The Fool, 8 of Crescents, Keeper of Spheres, 2 of Crescents (reversed), 3 of Staves

The 2 of Crescents reversed thus spells with all the illusion and the deception tactics. It is no longer the reflection of the single crescent seen on the surface of the sea. It seems all attention is now drawn to the one crescent now as the entire perspective has been turned around. Right on its head. It's all change now. The Keeper of Spheres suggests 'an ideas man/woman' ... someone involved in a campaign. Holding one of the spheres which has a worker bee within it. It is held at arms length above the head. This seems like one version of the situation which will be passed to the worker bees of the media. The true version is held close by to the Keeper in the hand of the Fool. There are two twins behind the Keeper. There is a real hint now of a necessity for control and order. The characters are seen to stand in the realm of 'the empress' .... peaceful and tranquil woodland. An environment so far away from the hustle and the bustle of the 'blood on the wall' falsehoods and its misleading trail. The Keeper of Spheres is seen to be in discussions with the fool ... and others close by. Discussions on what is to be the next direction open to dissection ....