Search A Light In The Darkness
Practice Yourself III - "1 from 8'
For those who are interested in 'practicing yourself' ... this is an experiment in 'direct telepathy' ....Permit yourself five minutes to clear your mind of all distracting thoughts. Get comfortable in your chair and become aware of your breathing. Consciously feel each beat of your heart and focus on that rhythm. Let it soothe you and let it act as the way of switching off from the outside world just for five minutes.Now, turn your attention to the montage of eight images below. Know that one of these images is being telepathically broadcast at this moment in time. Be aware that your sub-conscious has the awareness of which image is that broadcast. Do not apply logical thought at this moment ... but be aware there was an image in the back of your mind prior to any logical process. That is the image which you need to be aware of. What image (1 - 8) has been broadcast at this time? Visualise that image and write the number down, now.
For anyone who is interested, we would be pleased to receive your views on which of the images has been telepathically sent forth into cyberspace. One week from now the image will be posted ...