Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Buffalo Medicine


Abundance, prosperity, standing one’s ground and protection of resources are just part of what Buffalo represents on an energy level. In Ted Andrews book Animal Speak he says in reference to Buffalo that “The Lord helps those who help themselves” and that the Lakota Sioux believed that right action combined with right prayer resulted in the manifestation of all that is wanted or needed.

How many times has anyone heard that someone wants something, be it money, a new relationship, a new job, etc. and yet the person wants someone else to do it all for them! When Buffalo appears to us, it is at this time that we ourselves need to take action on our own behalf and then and only then can we provide a channel for the manifestation to flow through to us from the Universe.

People who carry strong Buffalo medicine often find themselves called upon to shoulder some very heavy burdens by others. For some, this can be a joy, though even so, many end up feeling drained and exhausted if they find they are trying to do for everyone and leaving little time and energy left over for themselves. All of us need a shoulder to cry on or support now and again yet for Buffalo people too often there are simply too many folks who want the Buffalo energy to shoulder all their problems while they do little to help themselves.

The tragedy is not only does the Buffalo person feel drained, but also those that rely on them never learn how to empower themselves through dealing directly with their own issues. Both parties lose in the long run. It is important that Buffalo people in general learn early on how to teach others to be empowered and to rely on their own abilities and strengths. Buffalo people are outstanding at showing others how to clear doubts and fears out of the way so others can get on with things. Just as during the winter months a Buffalo will use it’s massive head and shoulders to move snow out of the way so it can feed on the plants below, so too do we need to learn how to move those things in our lives that are blocking what we are seeking.

Buffalo medicine and people can teach us how to do this, though we must be prepared to shoulder the inner work ourselves if we are to gain maximum benefit.One of the ways that Buffalo people can teach others is by their own lives as examples. They simply get on with needs to be done, day in and day out, they perservere and always they stand their ground. They refuse to give in if they honestly feel that what they are pursuing has merit and possibility. It is important that those who carry Buffalo medicine remember to use their energy and resources wisely. Often these people have a tendency to be overly generous, they feel so blessed in their own lives that their desire is to share what they have with others! This is a wonderful trait and yet the Buffalo person must also learn whom to share with and to what degree. Sometimes the best gift one can give another is a push to stand on their own two feet and learn from their mistakes.

If one is always charging in to "rescue" someone, that person never has the opportunity to learn that they CAN do it on their own! Show support by helping people find ways to help and empower themselves. As the saying goes "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime". Buffalo people do have such a deep, innate sense of trust in the Universe, knowing that they have the power and strength within to manifest so much that is good and beautiful in the world! Affirming that belief to others can do so much more than you may ever know in terms of helping others to manifest more good for themselves. Buffalo people often have great patience and strength of will as well.

Don't taunt Buffalo unless you fancy being smashed to smithereens! Buffalo people because of this may find that they need to learn to express their anger cleanly and cautiously. One may not realize just how awe inspiring one can be when angered, the energy that is coming through is not just your own but that of Buffalo as well! Some of you may err on the side of too much patience, allowing things to build up until you have a good head of steam going so its important to respond more quickly to your anger by examining where the source of it is really coming from instead of just the triggering person/event itself. Yet too, sometimes one needs to get really angry at an injustice or a situation that has simply been borne for too long! Using your heart as well as your head to determine what action is truly needed is the best route to take. If after taking action you find that things have not shifted, well, sometimes there is a need in the world for one to put their head down and charge!

Health issues for Buffalo people can include problems with the head and back. Migraines, muscles spasms in the middle of the back or neck, pinched nerves can be problems. General tightness in the upper shoulders (usualy from trying to carry too many burdens!) can also contribute to severe headaches including migraines. Feeling exhausted or depressed can also indicate that you have been trying to carry too big a load and its time to shake a few things or people off your back! B vitamins are often helpful for Buffalo people as are vegetables and grains of all sorts. Chewing your food thoroughly and slowly will maximize the nutritional benefits. I have also met a surprising number of Buffalo people with stomach ulcers, again an indication too much of a load is being carried coupled with some deep seated resentment. It really is okay to say "NO!" and mean it, though I know full well its not always the easiest thing to do! Many health problems are usually related to stress so it is vital that those who carry Buffalo medicine learn to allow themselves some "down time" at least once a day.

Some folks who carry Buffalo medicine have said to me that they feel they are "slower" than others in that they prefer to take their time when making decisions or have trouble grasping opportunities when they arise. While there may be issues within that are needing to be cleared or an outer circumstance in our lives that we need to take some sort of action on, this does not mean any old action will do. It also requires proper thought and attention to the signs and signals that the Universe is sending us. Again, when we look at the Buffalo’s massive head, it says to us we need to be more aware, paying more attention to what is going on within our own minds. We may have overstuffed our heads with thoughts that life is difficult and a struggle, certainly that will only attract more of what we don’t want.

We may be so caught up in the belief that nothing will ever change and we are doomed to staying in the same old same old that our head on an energy level is swollen with these thoughts and thus blocking us from achieving more good in our lives. We all tend to wake up each day expecting the new day to be as the past days were.

There are all sorts of possibilities and potentials right now that cannot manifest if you insist that today is like every other day you have ever had. What would it feel like to just stop for a moment and allow it to sink in that right now, this day, is unlike any other? How does that feel to you?” It really struck me then that right at that moment anything could happen. There was a deep sense of a door opening and of looking into the very heart of the Universe and seeing all the possibilities.

Such a simple, quick meditation, what would it feel like to really get it that everything is open to you right now? And how often can you do it throughout your day, just be open, ask for something new, anything that makes you feel excited or gives you a feeling of aliveness.

Buffalo says we have the inner strength and will to achieve our goals if we are willing to keep pushing the “snow” in our own lives aside. It may not always be easy and at times we may believe we can’t do any more, but that’s when we need to stop and really listen, ask ourselves if what we are trying to manifest is what we really want or if it’s something we have led ourselves to believe we want. If we really truly want something, we can always find a way to achieve it. Yes it may take time, sometimes a very long time, yes we may have to work on fears or doubts or feelings of unworthiness, yes it may take some bloody hard graft to achieve. But if we truly want it we will find a way.

Buffalo brings many positive messages when it appears in our lives and for those who carry its medicine, these are a few of the things that can be focused on the bring greater abundance and joy into one's life: