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Tuesday 23 December 2008

A Brief Word

Mystic Insights for 23rd December 2008

The hawk flies free once more; 'gobbledygook' to some ... but the signal to indicate my intuition is freed from restraints once more. Flying free of the human fields into a state of mind which is timeless. That abides no rules. Intuition. Clairvoyancy. Remote Viewing ... balderdash the belittling would say. But in response to their numbskull, armchair critique of something they have never experienced ... passed to them from someone with an entire life experience of the matter (35+ years) ... it is time to say the B word ... bollocks to those who write this space off.

As I float free I hear the minds that criticise and condemn. They say I write only AFTER a new's story. That's funny they must have missed the weeks and weeks in mid-2007 when Daily Merlins appeared a day or two before, and even a week before anything was said in the news. There was the field in Portugal where 'evidence' was found ... an imaginative drawing appeared perhaps a week before which bore the striking resemblance to a press photo of the field.

I care not. I have never once been concerned. I've had sufficient proof and feedback to know I've been on the trail. That this trail is still being flown along by the Hawk.

It gazes now at a symbolic wall in the field. A significant marker in the proceedings. A number of faces seen like balloon faces upon the wall. Put there to be shot at and condemned ... whilst the true faces of the heist slip by un-noticed. This is around the time of the great event. It is at this time my focus once more returns. There was something very significant occurring in that part of Europe at that time. The gathering appears the clue to all which is now unwrapping. Like the golf ball with many skins until the central core is reached ...

There will be more ... DMI's attentive to this moment in time. Faces there not what they seem abound as the Hawk hovers once more above that ground ... but word on that will come later.