Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 9 December 2008

John's Ramble I

Well I am going to take a leaf out of Matthew's book and chill with a beer, write a post for the blog. For those who think that a man cannot hold a beer and type at the same time, needs to adapt to the Aussie way of life. First lesson we learn here is to cook steaks on the Barbie whilst holding a beer in the other hand-simple.

Anyway, no Barbie tonight, just a chilled beer after a long day at work.

Matthew asked me to contribute to the blog, once he discovered I was also into all things paranormal. It started quite young, as a small boy I would come out with what seemed like ridiculous statements. We would be eating round the table, my parents, two brothers and I, something my mother insisted on was that we ate at the table. I was aware of another small boy, who used to join us at mealtimes, he never spoke nor did anyone speak to him, I was around 4-5 years old .I never questioned who this boy was or why he looked different to us or why he never spoke.

He appeared in our house lots of times but yet nobody else in the family seemed aware of him, just myself.

One day, I remember it was pouring with rain, and as always we hated those days, wanting to be outside in our garden, playing on our swings, looking at the sky and hoping the clouds would magically disappear. My two brothers decided to play hide and seek. I begged to join in, and with smirks on their faces, they agreed to let me join in their game.

I was hopeless at finding them, they knew that and would find it all the more amusing, watching me from their secret hiding places, giggling, and generally having a laugh at my expense. But we were kids and that’s what kids do.

This particular day, I was looking for them what seemed like an age, I was very upset and wanted the game to end. Suddenly the boy from the table appeared behind me, for some reason I was never scared or I don’t remember being scared. He always had a nice smile and looked a friendly boy, even though his dress was very different to mine, but I never questioned it. To my surprise he whispered something to me, although I don’t remember the exact words but he told me to follow him and he would show me where my two brothers had hid themselves.

He led me to my parents bedroom, and pointed towards a small cupboard door, it was behind a small set of drawers and I never knew it existed. He then whispered ‘They are in there’ I shouted to my brothers that I knew they were in there and the game was up.
Two sheepishly looking brothers came crawling out, annoyed their secret hiding place had been discovered, but shocked as to how I had found them and their hiding place.

‘Easy’ I said ‘ The little boy who eats with us told me’…

My two brothers looked at each other, jaws wide open, looked at me, then ran as fast as they could down the stairs to our mother shouting “ Mum, our John has scared us”…

I was beginning to like this boys company and couldn’t wait for the day he came back ,I didn’t have long to wait.