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Tuesday 16 December 2008

Problem - Reaction - Solution

A 5 minute video by David Icke.

Exposing the Illuminati New World Order Agenda - staged terror attacks to create fear, removal of civil liberties, and a totalitarian fascist police state. Tony Blair & George W Bush are puppets that the illuminati have put in power in order to erode our rights and freedoms. These fascists are all as evil and crooked as they come. Blair is a 33rd degree freemason and Bush is a member of the satanic skull & bones society. These political puppets answer to the illuminati - the shadowy elite who really call the shots.

We really must stop putting our trust in people like this - we blindly give our power away to them and they use it to blackmail us and put us in a state of fear over some external problem that they themselves have covertly created. It's a mind-manipulation technique called "Problem-Reaction-Solution" and the illuminati have used this method for thousands of years to control the destiny of this world.

Things in this world are not going to get better until we shake of our current malaise, find our voices and our minds, and start thinking truly for ourselves! Just remember, Brown, Bush, Blair, Obama and the rest of the cronies who seem to have their hands on the wheels of power in this world, are actually just puppets who the illuminati put into power in order to advance their agenda for the "new world order".

The illuminati, who are behind the scenes controlling the whole show, never put themselves on public display because they want us to think that the buck stops with people like Bush & Blair.

Our biggest weapon is INFORMATION because information will lead us to the truth, and the truth will set us free. The illuminati has deliberately suppressed vital information from us for thousands of years and that has made it possible for them to manipulate humankind for so long.