Why?It is because those who are lucky are habitually thinking in a particular way and doing things in a particular way. Others have their own ways of thinking and operating as well, and those habits are part of what causes bad luck. Let's take a look at one of them.
Blaming and making excuses are ways to avoid taking responsibility for one's own life. It is a common trait among unlucky people. However, if you suggest that there is no value to blaming, and that it may even cause more bad luck, the blamer is likely to get very irritated.
"But it really was his fault," he might insist.It really might be someone's fault, right? Other people really can contribute to a person's bad luck or bad situation. Why then, can blaming be a bad habit that brings more bad situations?
It is because a focus on the outside factors that "cause" your problems takes your power away. You essentially concede defeat when you repeatedly blame other people or circumstances for your problems, and conceding defeat isn't very productive, is it?Many unlucky people can point out every person and circumstance that is to blame for their bad luck, but they cannot see what their own contribution to their situation is. Blaming and excuse making is a terrible approach to life. It eventually makes looking for causes outside oneself automatic. It is difficult for such a person to ever recognize the personal changes they need to make.