But the idea of such a `One World State` is not new, and the origins go back into the very shadows of antiquity, and to a presence that has been a constant thorn in the side of mankind since it's very beginning.
The One World State and the Temptation of Christ
The Bible tells us that the concept of a `One World State` was put forward by Satan to Christ as one of the `Temptations in the Wilderness`. We are told that it was firmly rejected by Jesus. Whether one accepts the Scriptures or not, it cannot be argued that Christ's teachings, which involve personal freedom and free will, are totally incompatible with the concept of a `One World State` which would mandate and coerce diverse peoples and cultures into a centralised dictatorship. Satan's offer was conditional on Christ's worship of him. This temptation has been put to men throughout the ages, and it is not surprising to discover that many of the most influential men throughout history, and enthusiastic advocates of world government, have been Satanists. I speak of men such as Marx, Bakunin, Moses Hess, Stalin, to name but a few, together with a near full compliment of the more recent crop of Satan worshiping world `leaders` such as the Bush's, Clintons, Blairs and the current `Saviour` of the `Free World` along with them`
The outlines of the centuries old conflict between good and evil were laid down in the Gospels in as much as `God is the god of truth`, while Satan is the `father of lies and there is no truth in him`. And still on yet another level "You must serve God or money. You cannot serve both".
The present drive towards the setting up of a World State, that can increasingly be seen to be not atheist in construct, but Satanic and Anti God, has it's origins in Ancient Babylon, with the coalescing of the `Kabballah`, but which in it's modern form can be said to have begun gaining impetus in the 19th century, with the advent of Marxist Socialist theory, together with the growth of International Banking. (Source: Rense)