It is interesting though. In my mind are many 'science fiction' notions which this could represent if the image was of something bone fide 'kosher'. It is far fetched therefore to run with ideas of this being a 'stargate' to another world .. now that would be in the realm of Hollywood fiction. It is more likely there is an image of a screen in some open area area. But what, where and who?
But ... that is assuming the image IS of something. But remember, I negative imaged a digital image from Google Earth; played about with contrast, brightness, colour tone, saturation ... etc ... to get to this. It is just pure chance then ... !!
Still … there is minute chance I’ve stumbled upon something ‘cosmically shattering’ here … the image was hidden after all in a reversed image on Google Earth … and it is still out of focus as it is an area of a mountain range you cannot see with any clarity … !!
You can decide for yourself … for all I can do is present the ‘evidence’ … step back without an opinion to sway you … and leave it to you to decide for yourself. I actually have a viewpoint on this. But my lips are firmly sealed!