We hear that this world is an illusion; that fear, suffering and isolation are projections of our creation…and yet, we are indeed experiencing all of these as quite real. What is this all about then? It all comes down to our perspectives, which are attributes of what we call ‘ego’ or our past- based, conditioned sense of self. Since perspectives are subjective and changeable, they cannot be part of our Divine Nature which is eternal and changeless. Consider for a moment what you would have preferred as a vacation when you were a child…now think about what an ideal vacation looks like to you right now. Most likely your choice or perspective on holidays has changed. On the other hand, wouldn’t you agree that there’s an aspect of yourself that seems as though you have never aged, never changed. That is what we could call ‘awareness’ or the observer aspect of yourself. This is not your thoughts or beliefs, rather it is the ‘feeling’ part of you.
Each one of us experiences the world and life in a unique way based on our past conditioning. The world as we see it is a reflection of our perspective…we are the creators of our entire experience and all ‘others’ are simply mirrors to our inner world. It is our conditioning that has perpetuated the sense of separate self and a world apart from ourselves. Repetitive thoughts become beliefs which, when coupled with emotional charges are held as energetic patterns carried in our consciousness. We all carry unconscious beliefs which spring from ancestral patterns, karma, traumas from this and other lifetimes, as well as vows, contracts and agreements that were made by us and are no longer appropriate. As Beings with Free Will we are allowed to continue experiencing ourselves as ‘separate identities’ in time and space as long as we wish.
It is our choice…we are the creators of all that we experience. At any given moment we are either Creating through the extension and total inclusion of God’s Love, or we are mis-creating through projection of images separating us from the ‘others’ and the ‘world out there’. Awaken your creative potential through conscious imagining.
Try this exercise with your eyes closed after you have read through it. Now, take a few really deep breaths all the way down to your belly, then expand the air throughout your chest….Hold for a few moments… and now fully breathe out all the stress, all the tension, all the old beliefs that no longer serve you…
Imagine that you are the creator Of the entire universe, Of all that you see, all that you experience. Just like in a lucid dream You begin to realize that you can change the story At any time. Imagine yourself without limitation Know that you are as God created You, Perfect in all ways. EXTEND GOD’S LOVE Imagine that nothing can disturb Your peace. Feel your body for any tension… breathe into that area and imagine Any worries, pain, whatever… Swiftly carried away with the breath. A simple change in mind Is ALL that is needed.
Imagine that you are One With All There Is…. How does that feel?
Source: Blue Sun Energetics