Fit To Drop ...
It's been one of those days today. Heavy energy pervaded the premises I was 'working' from. No amount of Orgonites would shift the oppression which was there upon arrival this morning. It was long and it was weary. I am now fit to drop. The energies of the Orgonites seem a distant star at this moment in time ... I am so tired. A good night's sleep and I will feel fine again in the morning.
Easter Monday and a day of consideration as there are a number of new siblings to be created. But I will not think about that until the light of the new day catches my eye and I wake up feeling refreshed.
Before then I have more interesting notions to consider. Resultant contemplation after another round of interesting observations. Energies have been high and have acted in removing several more epidermal layers from the veils that have been hiding the obvious from my vision for so long. I've been able to link what I thought was a writing of fiction with actual stone cold fact today. A location mentioned in some text ... was 'visited' and sure enough there is what was claimed. Very interesting for me as it links so many missing pieces. I won't say any more than that at this stage. But I'm sensing reasoning now in my awareness. Sentient instructions and invisible guiding hands ... directing me to look in certain places and to risk revealing certain things. This has been happening for a while. Seeming haphazard ventures have been heralding startling results. First, a reality check and a slight wobble from myself ... then curiosity followed by sheer pleasure. Seerlike instructions as a child have now heralded that which was whispered in my mind when I was a kid.
I'm seeing so much more than I've ever done before ... and it is a blessing in disguise. Now all I have to do is lose the misconceptions which have plagued the human part ever since I began the school conveyor belt trip all those years ago. 'We don't need no education ... just another brick in the wall ... the falling hammer and the kids squished into sausages ....' Once I lose that conditioning I will lose the sense that all the strange entities I see are not harmful. Indeed I am realising very quickly that many are just like you and me. Spirit occupying a physical body ... many lost and so many miles away from home. Refugees on a strange world. Strangers in a strange land.
But, enough of that ... too much information. I merely muse on what is drifting around in the grey matter at this time. I am in awe of some of the 'images' I have created during my reversal process. If the images are correct then this earth plane is not the place I was led to believe by the logical brain conditioning ... but is very much the place my spiritual brain was telling me. Seeing it for myself ... creates the wobble ... I need to readjust perhaps. But then again the images could be tricks of light. I remain open minded with sealed lips. It is not for the masses that is for sure ... but it suits me to have my own opinion without forcing a philosophy on others.
But enough of that ... I am fit to drop after all. It's time to climb them stairs ... place an orgonite or two or three near the bed. Clamber under the covers and watch the descending lights and movement above my head. Then it will yet another more real than real projection ... yippee I can't wait.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.