The vision fades.
I waken and resume my seat at the table. The elder with the kindly face sits opposite me. "How was your introduction to the tree, my child?" He asks. I smile and remain silent. It is not my time to speak.
For me it was a special time, I recall. I'd been snatched away from scepticism and cynicism and introduced to the way before I was old enough to formulate a false opinion. I knew then I'd been saved. My visits to the elders were rare at first. I felt foolish in their company. Mortal and unwise. But gradually my visits happened more and more. I was intrigued by the stories of the one; of our separation; of our fall from grace. I was curious and intrigued. I had to know more.
I was assigned my own personal tutor and taught basic breathing techniques at first. I found it hard to clear my mind; to welcome nothingness. Once I closed my eyes, all order of things would cross my mind and gain control. I was unable at first to concentrate. Then as I perfected the simple techniques I began to grasp what my tutor was trying to say. He thus began with the simple visualisations to introduce me to their ways. I felt then I was happy and I had arrived at the right place. Later I would learn I had no choice in the matter.
Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' by Matthew James