If you have a bothersome ghost in the house, or someone psychically attacking you, or some other paranormal problem, you want help. You can burn incense, burn candles, ask somebody to clear the house from negative energies, pray, ask your guides for help and so on. But will it work? Yes, if it is done in the right way, but how do you know? The person clearing your house might misidentify the problem; incense or candles might not be enough, and guides sometimes do not lend the help in the way you want it. 
Actually you should ask yourself how you got the problem in the first place. If you can avoid creating the problem you do not have to look for a solution. Psychic problems are no different than our everyday problems. It all depends on who you are! Or, who you think you are. We create what we think. It also starts with out thinking process. Yes, there is a certain predisposition, things we have carried on from past lives that we have to work out in this life. But every moment of the day we can choose what to think, how we think about ourselves, and what happens to us. If you constantly think negatively about yourself or other people, you will become depressed, or angry, or become a bitchy person, and you will also become more vulnerable to disease. The way you think automatically influences the immune system in the first place. You will also attract people with the same negative thinking. "Like attracts like". An angry person will easily attract other angry people and get into fights, while a loving person will gravitate to more peaceful people.
The way we think also attracts invisible energies to us. If you are plagued by spiritual entities, then there must be a predisposition in you to allow those entities to bother you. There must be a open door in your psyche to let them in in the first pace. Or if you are affected by unpleasant energies (of any kind), then those energies are resonating with similar energies within yourself.
So, what is the best way to shield yourself from unwanted or unpleasant energies or events? It is very simple: change your thinking, especially about who you are. Stop thinking negatively about other people (boy, is this the most difficult!). This alone will make a major difference in your life. And start thinking positively about yourself. Remember, think bad about yourself, and you will feel bad. Think good about yourself and you will feel good. It might be difficult to convince yourself that you are fine, happy, good looking, and that everything is going well. Merely telling yourself this is like a plaster on a wooden leg. You have to believe it, you have to create it. You create it by believing and thinking positively every day, week after week, year after year. It takes time but it will manifest, and it is the only way to go, unless you want to live in misery...
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