Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 24 August 2009

Swine/Avian Flu,The Story So Far.

Source: Swine/avian flu,the story so far.

The information on this blog is in regard to the swine flu pandemic and the mandatory swine flu vaccine that the Government and the World Health Organisation will force upon us. The information is laid out in date order and is a series of internet links to news stories that totally discredit all the misinformation, lies and deceit that the main stream media have been putting out.

I began to research the Avian/Swine last year when my partner, an NHS employee began her intensive training for the predicted flu pandemic. Initially l was uninterested, but after hearing more l became suspicious and began researching this much more closely. They were informed of a possible pandemic in early 2009, dipping and then returning with a vengeance by the end of the year. Massive loss of life was predicted, more than the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. The NHS would be overwhelmed.

A contingency plan is in place to use refrigerated warehouses or containers to store bodies. [Google “NHS to use refrigerated storage during flu pandemic”] In 2006 it was confirmed that millions of extra body bags were ordered as a precaution.

How did the NHS know they would need millions of body bags? NHS employees were told to keep quiet about this, so as to not cause panic and mayhem, (Bull- population control comes to mind). They may have to work a massive amount of overtime, will have to wear protective clothing and take precautionary measures. They are predicting a major human catastrophe with huge loss of life. Hospitals, doctors and morgues will be stretched to capacity. If you know anyone who works in the NHS do some digging, ask questions ... read more ...