The montage on the right represents a collection of 'negative images' derived from sojourns on Google Mars over the last few months. They also represent a 'common anomaly' which has been sighted in various locations on Mars. The lines of dots appear to represent some kind of 'surface transportation system' on Mars ... like a land-train. This declaration asks for an open mind and an acceptance of a belief there is life on Mars. As well as the dot like anomalies there are also many areas on Mars which have parallel lines much like 'tracks' on the planet surface. Indeed, the second image within the montage has a series of these lines travelling from left to right ... the top line has a series of these dots apparently travelling along the lines. The remaining images do seem to suggest some kind of technology on the surface of the planet, that is if indeed the negative images do present the true picture of Mars which is being hidden from Joe Public on Earth. For me, and many other remote viewers over the last couple of decades, the existence of life on Mars is not that difficult to accept. For those who still fall for the scientific evidence of Mars (which is clearly deceptive) .... life on Mars is the stuff of fiction and fantasy.