The "Aspect" or form of the Creator contacted here at Geburah is Elohim Gibor, usually written in the feminine tense, making her name literally translate as "Mother-Warrior" though 'Lord Of Battles' is most often how it is worded in English (Eloh Geburah, in Hebrew). The symbols of a Sword and Flame denote this function, symbolically. Contacting this mighty Defender through his/her Archangel actually sets in motion the Purification of our Lives. It is wise to view all Geburah-related crises and problems as Purification Lessons, intended to clarify one's Innocence and strip-away all 'opinions' leaving behind only natural simplicity where once there were value-judgements, opinions and religiously-programmed beliefs.
Called Hathor in the ancient Egyptian "paut Neteru" or Great Company of the Gods and considered the goddess of "mystical power" and its benefits, the God-Aspect of Geburah has always been associated with the ‘survival of the sincere’, though one must prove that sincerity before it is rewarded. Hathor was the Golden Cow Goddess of Egypt whose mystical-science Temple at Medenet-Habu was visited by the ancient Hebrew cabalists on their way out of Egypt. Thus think of Hathor/Elohim Gibor as ‘mystical activism’, requiring both non-dogmatic thinking and true self-knowledge to fully perfect.