For long term health and vitality strengthening your immune system is your primary concern. Eucalyptus oil is one of the best oils to choose for immune support and health. Here’s why, along with the methods of application I recommend, as well as other essential oils to choose for making a powerful immune stimulant blend.

Eucalyptus brings to mind the family medicine cabinet. Certainly many traditional, as well as modern day medicine, contain Eucalyptus. Strongly anti-bacterial and anti-viral its healing potency is widely recognized and highly valued.
Eucalyptus is a powerful respiratory aid and has a strong influence on breathing and is helpful for regenerating lung tissue and function.
Eucalyptus stimulates oxygen uptake in our cell tissues and increases circulation. Increased oxygenation in the lungs promotes the cleansing and repair function of red blood cells.
Eucalyptus is an excellent blood cleanser!
For treating bronchial problems use Eucalyptus as an inhalant, or diffuse in the air.
May also use in a dilution of light coconut oil or jojoba and apply liberally to the chest and upper back areas.
Reputation as a good expectorant (promotes removal of mucous from respiratory system) and cough suppressant.
Eucalyptus is helpful for easing inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes, as well as nasal congestion.
Powerful anti-bacterial properties may be effective in the treatment of a broad spectrum of infections.
Fever reducer! Eucalyptus is helpful for relieving fevers that arise from infectious diseases. Useful in cool compresses; apply to the forehead, back of neck, over the kidneys and pelvic region. Only a small amount is needed otherwise may produce a chilling effect.