Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

'Light Is Thine Heritage'

Source: Emerald Tablet IV

Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting to rend the veil of the night.

Some I found who had conquered the ether. Free of space were they while yet they were men.Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things, far in space constructed they a planet, drawn by the force that flows through the ALL; condensing, coalescing the ether into forms,that grew as they willed.

Outstripping in science, they, all of the races, mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars. Long time I paused, watching their wisdom. Saw them create from out of the ether cities gigantic of rose and gold. Formed forth from the primal element,base of all matter, the ether far flung.

Far in the past, they had conquered the ether, freed themselves from the bondage of toil; formed in their mind only a picture and swiftly created, it grew.