Zecharia Sitchin points out that EnKi was given Africa, while EnLil had Mesopotamia, Inanna the Indus Valley, and NinHarsag the Sinai Peninsula. Notice that the Ethiopians, according to Jennings, were called the sons of Vulcan. This is the same appellation given to Adapa and Enmeduranki. Vulcan is none other than Ptah, who is none other than EnKi, according to popular syncretization.

Also, the Cuthites may be like the Cuthans, mentioned above, but they are also confused with the Cushites, or sons of Cush. The Cushites came from the Land of Cush, which is known to be Nubia and Ethiopia.
It is stated that these Cuthites migrated from Egypt, to Syria, to the Euphrates. Also it is said that the Aith-Opes or Ethiopians migrated to Greece, and brought the rites of Serpent worship with them. Also, in connection with this it is said that Erectheus is the individual responsible for bringing the rites of Eleusis to Greece, to Athens. Now, could these Cuthites be connected with the Babylonian Priests we have spoken of, i.e., the Nergals of Cutha? Perhaps. We know that about 43 miles north of Baghdad on the west bank of the Tigris river is the location of the ancient city of Opis, where at least two crucial events took place. First, this is where the Persians, under the command of Cyrus, overthrew Babylon and claimed the whole area as a satrapy. Second, this is where Alexander the Great was said to have invited dignitaries from all over his empire for the purpose of feasting and so that he could consolidate them all together and proclaim his New World Order.