This is a mighty place; tall trees stand proud
Their branches straight and broad
There is no sound here; the air is still
and the spirit of man is un-nerved
for this ground is an ancient place
One which lives outside of the laws of man
And this place is the destination for the traveller
His eyes ready to take in the sights of here
His senses ready to absorb the energies which caress them
and one thing is sure, the human traveller who visits here
will not be the same soul who began this trek
The enchantment of here will have taken an effect for sure ...
Extract taken from 'An Ancient Place Of Enchantment' written by Matthew James 5 January 2003
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Rothschild's Black Gold Empire

Quotes ... for today
“There are times when we may fool ourselves. There are times when we can fool others. But we can never fool our body. It is the most sensitive barometer of our inner world.” -- Sherrill Sellman
“Instead of frittering away your vibrancy with worry or distraction, realize your mind and body are inextricably united. What calms and tones up one, soothes and improves the other.” -- Marsha Sinetar
"When you are saying that you are happy and you are not, there will be a disturbance in your breathing. Your breathing cannot be natural. It is impossible." -- Osho
"Your body is the ground and metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopedia, your life story. Everything that happens to you is stored and reflected in your body. In the marriage of flesh and spirit divorce is impossible." -- Gabrielle Roth
"If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?" -- Unknown source
“Instead of frittering away your vibrancy with worry or distraction, realize your mind and body are inextricably united. What calms and tones up one, soothes and improves the other.” -- Marsha Sinetar
"When you are saying that you are happy and you are not, there will be a disturbance in your breathing. Your breathing cannot be natural. It is impossible." -- Osho
"Your body is the ground and metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopedia, your life story. Everything that happens to you is stored and reflected in your body. In the marriage of flesh and spirit divorce is impossible." -- Gabrielle Roth
"If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?" -- Unknown source
Spirit Connections

The new Nessie? Mystery 'sea creature' spotted off British coast

Friday, 30 July 2010
Written In The Stones
Your feet are cool; numbed by the fresh river waters
and entranced you see the human fishes which float past your eyes
the stepping stones present no obstacle with the river in flood
They move onward; away from the spawning ground towards the ocean
that sprawling metropolis to the east; where the air is too toxic to breathe
You see the changes written in the stones which adorn the shore
and now the gods themselves are powerless
the stars no longer expand; not anymore
the cosmos is much older than the mortals will ever comprehend ....
Extract taken from 'Awakening a New Scribe' written by Matthew James December 2002
and entranced you see the human fishes which float past your eyes
the stepping stones present no obstacle with the river in flood
They move onward; away from the spawning ground towards the ocean
that sprawling metropolis to the east; where the air is too toxic to breathe
You see the changes written in the stones which adorn the shore
and now the gods themselves are powerless
the stars no longer expand; not anymore
the cosmos is much older than the mortals will ever comprehend ....
Extract taken from 'Awakening a New Scribe' written by Matthew James December 2002
US press and scientists admit that oil is clearing much faster than expected

Buddhist Inspiration ..
So resolve yourselves. It's not just by sitting with your eyes closed that you develop wisdom. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are constantly with us, so be constantly alert. Study constantly. Seeing trees or animals can all be occasions for study. Bring it all inwards. See clearly within your own heart. If some sensation makes impact on the heart, witness it clearly for yourself, don't simply disregard it.
The Real Meaning of Freedom
'The freer a country claims to be, the more rules and regulations it legislates. These only serve to whet the appetite of the creatively devious.
If our actions require the restraining force of established authority, then we do not understand the meaning of the word freedom.
Freedom has nothing to do with having the right to vote for your oppressor; freedom is not having any form of oppression. Freedom is a state of self-responsibility and self-liberation. This is only achieved when we cease oppressing self and others with deviousness in thought, word and action.
Freedom is the ultimate state of our being and is attained when our actions are in accordance with our highest ideals and aspirations. When we reach such a stage of advancement we no longer require any form of governance.'
Linda Smith – author of Returning to Myself.
View Linda Smith's Website here...
If our actions require the restraining force of established authority, then we do not understand the meaning of the word freedom.
Freedom has nothing to do with having the right to vote for your oppressor; freedom is not having any form of oppression. Freedom is a state of self-responsibility and self-liberation. This is only achieved when we cease oppressing self and others with deviousness in thought, word and action.
Freedom is the ultimate state of our being and is attained when our actions are in accordance with our highest ideals and aspirations. When we reach such a stage of advancement we no longer require any form of governance.'
Linda Smith – author of Returning to Myself.
View Linda Smith's Website here...
The Lost Continent

Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years
'The article describes how cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Then it finishes off by saying that the US government has known for more than 35 years and that the media which would normally go crazy about a cancer cure story like this, doesn’t at all and in fact seem to be burying the story rather than promote it in any way. I for one am amazed at the government’s stance on marijuana and their failed war on drugs, which is more like a war on it’s own country. I guess too many people get rich off of the war on drugs.'..Read more:
Hollie Greig legal adviser asks electoral commission to investigate arrest and hustings ban
'Robert Green, a prospective Parliamentary candidate who was prevented from entering Aberdeen due to bail conditions that were imposed upon him following an earlier arrest, has asked the electoral commission to investigate his case, claiming his “unusual and probably unique” circumstances have never before arisen in Parliamentary history. He has asked for the constituency election to be re-run as a consequence of his hustings ban, which he says prevented him from placing the main issue upon which he was standing before the electorate. Green, who stood as a member of Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers, represents the mother of Hollie Greig, a 30-year-old woman with Down’s syndrome who says she was sexually assaulted by a sheriff and a senior Grampian Police officer, who is now dead...Read more:
Inspiration For The Day
"It is our basic right to be a happy person, happy family, and eventually a happy world. That should be our goal." -- Dalai Lama
" ... we can no longer afford to throw away even one ‘unimportant’ day by not noticing the wonder of it all. We have to be willing to discover and then appreciate the authentic moments of happiness available to all of us every day." -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
" ... we can no longer afford to throw away even one ‘unimportant’ day by not noticing the wonder of it all. We have to be willing to discover and then appreciate the authentic moments of happiness available to all of us every day." -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Returning to Creative Dreams
Thursday, 29 July 2010
The Chosen Race
I was an elder then, I bore a skin of red
Our land was sacred and tribal and stained with blood
the blood of our innocent women and children
Moved on by the murderous scum because they wanted what we had
the land beneath our feet which we prized
The technology which we hid; which our forefathers had vowed to guard
Butchered were we by the white race as it had been decreed many centuries before
We were the chosen race; we were a kindly race
We took only from the land that which we could replace
or what nature had intended us to eat
we were at one with the eco-cycles of the earth
We were accepted by nature and all its visiting faces
We were there when the rift was made; when the rift was shut
we witnessed all the wrongs and all the devilry
we understood the lessons the race of white had begun
and realise now as we look down on the earth, the payback has started ...
Extract taken from 'The Rift Between Worlds' written by Matthew James December 2002
Our land was sacred and tribal and stained with blood
the blood of our innocent women and children
Moved on by the murderous scum because they wanted what we had
the land beneath our feet which we prized
The technology which we hid; which our forefathers had vowed to guard
Butchered were we by the white race as it had been decreed many centuries before
We were the chosen race; we were a kindly race
We took only from the land that which we could replace
or what nature had intended us to eat
we were at one with the eco-cycles of the earth
We were accepted by nature and all its visiting faces
We were there when the rift was made; when the rift was shut
we witnessed all the wrongs and all the devilry
we understood the lessons the race of white had begun
and realise now as we look down on the earth, the payback has started ...
Extract taken from 'The Rift Between Worlds' written by Matthew James December 2002
The Way of the Disciple
The white magician is ever one who, through conscious alignment with his ego, with his "angel", is receptive to his plans and purposes, and therefore capable of receiving the higher impression. We must remember that while magic works from above downwards, and is the result of solar vibration, and not the impulses emanating from one or the other of the lunar pitris, the downflow of the impressing energy from the solar pitri is the result of his internal recollectedness, the indrawing of his [61] forces, prior to sending them concentratedly to his shadow, man, and his steady meditation upon the purpose and the plan. It may be of use to the student if he here remembers that the ego (as well as the Logos) is in deep meditation during the whole cycle of physical incarnation. This meditation is cyclic in nature, the pitri involved sending out to his "reflection" rhythmic streams of energy, which streams are recognized by the man concerned as his "high impulses," his dreams and aspirations. Therefore, it will be apparent why workers in white magic are ever advanced and spiritual men, for the "reflection" is seldom responsive to the ego or the solar angel until many cycles of incarnation have transpired. The solar pitri communicates with his "shadow" or reflection by means of the sutratma, which passes down through the bodies to a point of entrance in the physical brain, if I might so express it, but the man, as yet, cannot focus or see clearly in any direction.
If he looks backward he can see only the fogs and miasmas of the planes of illusion, and fails to be interested. If he looks forward he sees a distant light which attracts him, but he cannot as yet see that which the light reveals. If he looks around, he sees but shifting forms and the cinematograph of the form side of life. If he looks within, he sees the shadows cast by the light, and becomes aware of much impedimenta which must be discarded before the light he sees in the distance can be approached, and then enter within him. Then he can know himself as light itself, and walk in that light and transmit it likewise to others. (Alice Bailey)
If he looks backward he can see only the fogs and miasmas of the planes of illusion, and fails to be interested. If he looks forward he sees a distant light which attracts him, but he cannot as yet see that which the light reveals. If he looks around, he sees but shifting forms and the cinematograph of the form side of life. If he looks within, he sees the shadows cast by the light, and becomes aware of much impedimenta which must be discarded before the light he sees in the distance can be approached, and then enter within him. Then he can know himself as light itself, and walk in that light and transmit it likewise to others. (Alice Bailey)
Mystic Switchboard
Providing the bridge between the two worlds ... connecting those who have been seperated by the illusion of death. The message is simple, life goes on ... the spirit moves to other levels of this virtual universe ...
Clare, your nana stands in from of me with her arms akimbo. She is impatient ... and wanting to know why you are taking so long to make your mind up? He is a good man ... why the dillydallying about. All the hard work has been done ... you should be listening to Helen and go for the plunge. You'll not regret it. It's only a matter of time before your dream job arrives. Its all part and parcel of the impatience that you don't see things clearly. Two children of your own and three between you; surely you won't expect a fourth and maybe a fifth? But that's just what your Nana appears to be saying. She came from a large family who would always fight for the food on the table; hence the reason why she says she developed a rather wide girth!
Clare, your nana stands in from of me with her arms akimbo. She is impatient ... and wanting to know why you are taking so long to make your mind up? He is a good man ... why the dillydallying about. All the hard work has been done ... you should be listening to Helen and go for the plunge. You'll not regret it. It's only a matter of time before your dream job arrives. Its all part and parcel of the impatience that you don't see things clearly. Two children of your own and three between you; surely you won't expect a fourth and maybe a fifth? But that's just what your Nana appears to be saying. She came from a large family who would always fight for the food on the table; hence the reason why she says she developed a rather wide girth!
Gripe of the Day
UK Priests Abuse Child 'Witches'

Activists say children are increasingly facing horrific tortures that may even lead to their death -- as in the case of Victoria Climbié -- across the country only for accusations of being haunted...Read more:
Pacific Islands Not Sinking From Global Warming
'Of all the apocalyptic imagery summoned by global warming's proponents, the most compelling has been the threat of coastal devastation from rising sea levels. In his best-selling work "Earth in the Balance," Al Gore argued that the selfishness of Western industrialization would obliterate small, impoverished countries.
"Although the sea level has risen and fallen through different geological periods, never has the change been anywhere near as rapid as that now expected as a consequence of global warming," he wrote. "... Island nations like the Maldives and Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), will be devastated if the projections made by scientists turn out to be accurate." Mr. Gore solemnly predicted that millions of poor inhabitants would be forced to flee their homelands in a desperate bid for survival - unless we adopt his political agenda. It just isn't so...Read more:
"Although the sea level has risen and fallen through different geological periods, never has the change been anywhere near as rapid as that now expected as a consequence of global warming," he wrote. "... Island nations like the Maldives and Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), will be devastated if the projections made by scientists turn out to be accurate." Mr. Gore solemnly predicted that millions of poor inhabitants would be forced to flee their homelands in a desperate bid for survival - unless we adopt his political agenda. It just isn't so...Read more:
Quantum Mechanics Creates Location-Based Cryptography

The basic idea is simple - create an encrypted communication where your actual physical location is the only key required to gain access to the hidden information. It would eliminate any need to create and store decryption keys, which is disproportionately the most complex and time-intensive task in cryptography. You could encrypt a secure line so that the only people who could ever hear would have to be at, say, two secure military bases, eliminating any chance of someone listening in from a third location...Read more:
Compassion is the ability to see the deep connectedness between ourselves and others. Moreover, true compassion recognizes that all the boundaries we perceive between ourselves and others are an illusion. When we first begin to practice compassion, this very deep level of understanding may elude us, but we can have faith that if we start where we are, we will eventually feel our way toward it. We move closer to it every time we see past our own self-concern to accommodate concern for others. And, as with any skill, our compassion grows most in the presence of difficulty. We practice small acts of compassion every day, when our loved ones are short-tempered or another driver cuts us off in traffic. We extend our forgiveness by trying to understand their point of view; we know how it is to feel stressed out or irri
table. The practice of compassion becomes more difficult when we find ourselves unable to understand the actions of the person who offends us. These are the situations that ask us to look more deeply into ourselves, into parts of our psyches that we may want to deny, parts that we have repressed because society has labeled them bad or wrong. For example, acts of violence are often well beyond anything we ourselves have perpetuated, so when we are on the receiving end of such acts, we are often at a loss. This is where the real potential for growth begins, because we are called to shine a light inside ourselves and take responsibility for what we have disowned. It is at this juncture that we have the opportunity to transform from within. This can seem like a very tall order, but when life presents us with circumstances that require our compassion, no matter how difficult, we can trust that we are ready. We can call upon all the light we have cultivated so far, allowing it to lead the way into the darkest parts of our own hearts, connecting us to the hearts of others in the understanding that is true compassion.

Quotes For The Day
"There are three kinds of violence: one, through our deeds; two, through our words; and three, through our thoughts. ... The root of all violence is in the world of thoughts, and that is why training the mind is so important." -- Eknath Easwaran
"The ancestor of every destructive action, every destructive decision, is a negative thought." -- Eknath Easwaran
"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." -- Swami Vivekananda
"The ancestor of every destructive action, every destructive decision, is a negative thought." -- Eknath Easwaran
"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." -- Swami Vivekananda
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
The Negation of the Great Illusion
The veil of illusion resembles the moment before dawn when the world of familiar things is seen through the fogs and the streamers of mist which veil the world form and also veil the rising sun. Then we have that halftime, that mysterious and vague period when the real is hidden by the unreal; then we have that weird and distorted condition when forms are not seen as they truly are but lose their shape and color and perspective. True vision is then impossible. The astral stage and the vast cycle of time in which the great illusion holds sway can therefore be judged, from the above symbolic approach, to be but temporary and transient. It is not the stage of a definitely divine manifestation; it is not the stage of pure undimmed awareness; it is not the stage of the perfected work. It is that period of time wherein the half-Gods walk; it is the time wherein truth is only dimly sensed, the vision only vaguely and occasionally seen; it is the stage of the half-realized Plan, and when one works on partial knowledge, difficulty and mistakes are bound to supervene. It is also the stage of distortion and of constant mutability; whilst it is in evidence we have the apparently ceaseless pulling hither and thither by forces, working blindly and seemingly without [614] purpose. As far as humanity is concerned, it is the time wherein man is enveloped in mist and fog, and lost in the miasmas arising out of the ground (symbol of the foundational nature of the animal kingdom). Yet at times this stage is seen to be unreal as the dawning light of the spiritual consciousness pierces through the surrounding darkness. It is the interlude between the dominance of the animal consciousness and that of the spiritual, and this interlude of astral illusion is only known in the human family. There is no astral plane except in the consciousness of the fourth kingdom in nature, for man is "under illusion" in a sense different to the conscious awareness of any other kingdom - subhuman or more...
Servitor Design Sequence - Part 4

4. Is there a Time Factor to Consider?... Here, you should consider the duration of the Servitor's operation. In other words, do you want the Servitor to be 'working' continuously, or only at specific periods? Here, you may wish to take into account phases of the moon, astrological conjunctions or planetary hours, for example, which could be added into the Servitor's symbolic instructions. The Healing Servitor above for example, was instructed to be active for a period of seven days, affecting it's target recipient for seven minutes, at seven hour intervals. This instruction serves to reinforce the number symbolism & association with harmony. It is also at this point that you should consider what happens after the Servitor has performed its task. It is generally held to be preferable that when a Servitor has completed its task, the Servitor should be disassembled by its creator. There are two approaches to doing this. Firstly, one can encode a "self-destruct" instruction into the Servitor at the time of it's creation, where the duration of its existence is defined in terms of the duration of its task, or the fulfilment of a specific condition. For example, the Healing Servitor could be defined so that it's sigilised Statement of Intent is:"To promote rapid recovery and health in ...(name)...working at 7/7/7 intervals, the sum of which is the spell of your life."
The other approach to disassembly is to perform a ritual 'reabsorption' of the Servitor, mentally drawing it back from it's task, taking it apart by visualization, taking back the original desire which sparked it's creation, and taking apart or destroying any material base which you have created for it. Whilst classical occult theory has it that if you do not look after your thought-forms, they will wander around the astral plane annoying people, there is good psychological sense for terminating the 'life' of Servitors which have completed their assigned task - that you are reclaiming responsibility for that desire-complex which you used to create the more...
Buddhist Inspiration ..
An authentically empowered person is humble. This does not mean the false humility of one who stoops to be with those who are below him or her. It is the inclusiveness of one who responds to the beauty of each soul. ... It is the harmlessness of one who treasures, honours and reveres life in all its forms.
Famous Mystics: Helen Duncan
Spiritualists are no strangers to scorn, skepticism and stupidity. We face these regularly and deal with them appropriately. But few know that one of our most gifted Mediums was charged with conspiracy and actually imprisoned for her special psychic gifts of proving survival after death.
This unsung heroine was one Helen Duncan, a simple Scottish housewife, who was forced to serve time in London's notorious Victorian Holloway women's prison for the appalling "crime" of holding physical phenomena seance's - many months which took a great toll on her health and contributed to her own premature earthly demise.
Helen was born in Callander, a small Scottish town on the 25th of November 1897, the daughter of a master cabinet maker. Her family was far from rich. Like many of her fellow Celtic lassies she struggled to earn a living even after her marriage at the age of 20. Her husband, Henry, another cabinet maker, had been injured during WW1. She had 12 pregnancies, but only six children survived. To sustain this large family and a disabled husband she worked in the local bleach factory by day and her Spiritual work and domestic duties by night.
The small amount of cash she made from her sittings, mostly token donations from friends and neighbours existing in a similar poverty to herself, would often discreetly go to their local doctor to pay for those patients who were destitute. This was in the time before Britain's national health service concept of free medicine for all had been introduced.
But her skill lay in Mediumship of a particular kind, that rare psychic gift of being a vehicle for physical phenomena whilst in trance state. A precious gift that brought comfort to thousands but one which was eventually to cost her her earthly life.
By the 1930's and 1940's she was traveling the length of wartime Britain giving regular seance's in hundreds of Spiritualist churches and home circles. The evidence that flowed from these physical phenomena seance's was astonishing. 'Dead' loved ones appeared in physical form, spoke to and touched their earthly relatives and and in this way brought both proof of survival and much comfort to thousands of traumatised and grieving wartime families.
One such sitting was attended by a man named Vincent Woodcock, who had brought his sister in law for an evening's demonstration. Those 60 minutes changed both their lives. Vincent gave evidence in London's premier Old Bailey court room that the medium Helen Duncan slipped into trance and began producing the much scoffed 'ectoplasm'. Then his 'dead' wife materialised from this ectoplasmic matter and asked both Vincent and his sister in law to stand up. The materialised spirit then removed her wedding ring and placed it on her sister's wedding finger, adding "It is my wish that this takes place for the sake of my little girl". A year later the couple were married and returned for a further seance during which the dead woman appeared once more to give her renewed blessings to the happy couple.
But this touching human story, along with other similar unsolicited and genuine testimonials to her remarkable gifts, were ignored by the law courts for Helen Duncan was destined to 'go down' to appease an establishment terrified that she might accurately discern the date of the D-Day Normandy Landings...READ MORE...

Helen was born in Callander, a small Scottish town on the 25th of November 1897, the daughter of a master cabinet maker. Her family was far from rich. Like many of her fellow Celtic lassies she struggled to earn a living even after her marriage at the age of 20. Her husband, Henry, another cabinet maker, had been injured during WW1. She had 12 pregnancies, but only six children survived. To sustain this large family and a disabled husband she worked in the local bleach factory by day and her Spiritual work and domestic duties by night.
The small amount of cash she made from her sittings, mostly token donations from friends and neighbours existing in a similar poverty to herself, would often discreetly go to their local doctor to pay for those patients who were destitute. This was in the time before Britain's national health service concept of free medicine for all had been introduced.
But her skill lay in Mediumship of a particular kind, that rare psychic gift of being a vehicle for physical phenomena whilst in trance state. A precious gift that brought comfort to thousands but one which was eventually to cost her her earthly life.
By the 1930's and 1940's she was traveling the length of wartime Britain giving regular seance's in hundreds of Spiritualist churches and home circles. The evidence that flowed from these physical phenomena seance's was astonishing. 'Dead' loved ones appeared in physical form, spoke to and touched their earthly relatives and and in this way brought both proof of survival and much comfort to thousands of traumatised and grieving wartime families.
One such sitting was attended by a man named Vincent Woodcock, who had brought his sister in law for an evening's demonstration. Those 60 minutes changed both their lives. Vincent gave evidence in London's premier Old Bailey court room that the medium Helen Duncan slipped into trance and began producing the much scoffed 'ectoplasm'. Then his 'dead' wife materialised from this ectoplasmic matter and asked both Vincent and his sister in law to stand up. The materialised spirit then removed her wedding ring and placed it on her sister's wedding finger, adding "It is my wish that this takes place for the sake of my little girl". A year later the couple were married and returned for a further seance during which the dead woman appeared once more to give her renewed blessings to the happy couple.
But this touching human story, along with other similar unsolicited and genuine testimonials to her remarkable gifts, were ignored by the law courts for Helen Duncan was destined to 'go down' to appease an establishment terrified that she might accurately discern the date of the D-Day Normandy Landings...READ MORE...
More ... 'from the ridiculous to the sublime'...
"Collecting Rainwater Now Illegal in Many States as Big Government Claims Ownership Over Our Water" ....
'As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from "diverting" water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use. Check out this YouTube video of a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It's illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way...'Read more:
'As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from "diverting" water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use. Check out this YouTube video of a news report out of Salt Lake City, Utah, about the issue. It's illegal in Utah to divert rainwater without a valid water right, and Mark Miller of Mark Miller Toyota, found this out the hard way...'Read more:
Records Known
Throughout the ages of man there has been cosmic visitors
he has been watched and he has been nurtured
It is recorded and these records are now known
Within the structure of this instruments great works it has all been revealed
some is fable and some is stark cold reality
you as a sensitive consciousness must decide for yourself
But he is a scribe and will continue to be so
for there is still much more for him to report
for he can now connect to us on a whim ...
Extract taken from "Through A Pair Of Gates" written by Matthew James Jan 2003
he has been watched and he has been nurtured
It is recorded and these records are now known
Within the structure of this instruments great works it has all been revealed
some is fable and some is stark cold reality
you as a sensitive consciousness must decide for yourself
But he is a scribe and will continue to be so
for there is still much more for him to report
for he can now connect to us on a whim ...
Extract taken from "Through A Pair Of Gates" written by Matthew James Jan 2003
Quotes ... for today
"The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays." -- Soren Kierkegaard
"Spirituality is the sacred center out of which all life comes, including Mondays and Tuesdays and rainy Saturday afternoons in all their mundane and glorious detail. ... The spiritual journey is the soul's life commingling with ordinary life." -- Christina Baldwin
"It is not my business to think about myself. My business is to think about God. It is for God to think about me." -- Simone Weil
"Spirituality is the sacred center out of which all life comes, including Mondays and Tuesdays and rainy Saturday afternoons in all their mundane and glorious detail. ... The spiritual journey is the soul's life commingling with ordinary life." -- Christina Baldwin
"It is not my business to think about myself. My business is to think about God. It is for God to think about me." -- Simone Weil
Good News for BP: Boat Crashes Into Non-BP Oil Well, Creating New Gusher in the Gulf of Mexico
'A tugboat or other workboat collided with the well near Bayou St. Dennis, La., shearing off its valve structure and releasing pressurized natural gas and light oil, DHS official Deano Bonano told Fox News.
Cleanup workers are currently booming off the area and the scene at sea has been taken over by federal agents. The U.S. Coast Guard, Jefferson Parish police and fire officials, as well as Vessels of Opportunity boats have all been dispatched to the scene. Federal officials do not know who owns the well, but a contractor who handles wild wells is also on the way, Bonano said....Read more
Cleanup workers are currently booming off the area and the scene at sea has been taken over by federal agents. The U.S. Coast Guard, Jefferson Parish police and fire officials, as well as Vessels of Opportunity boats have all been dispatched to the scene. Federal officials do not know who owns the well, but a contractor who handles wild wells is also on the way, Bonano said....Read more
Releasing the Reigns

Gripe Of The Day ... the 3 Mobile Tortoise
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
In Material Terms
"The door swings open wide with dazzling, burning white
as an inner sunlight bursts through
A human consciousness unable to comprehend the sight
Perceiving the wraiths there in terms of the material world
and those wondrous beings gratefully accept the form his thoughts give to them
Before him a host of faerie beings stand
Their tiny gossamer wings reflecting the light; rainbow patterns flick and glitter
the brightest sun’s light hurting his eyes
A sphere of intense magnitude hangs before them in the very nothing of space
An orb from a source which is not of the material plane ..."
Extract taken from 'The Legends Come Through The Open Door Again' written by Matthew James 11December 2002
as an inner sunlight bursts through
A human consciousness unable to comprehend the sight
Perceiving the wraiths there in terms of the material world
and those wondrous beings gratefully accept the form his thoughts give to them
Before him a host of faerie beings stand
Their tiny gossamer wings reflecting the light; rainbow patterns flick and glitter
the brightest sun’s light hurting his eyes
A sphere of intense magnitude hangs before them in the very nothing of space
An orb from a source which is not of the material plane ..."
Extract taken from 'The Legends Come Through The Open Door Again' written by Matthew James 11December 2002
Experts: Health Hazards in Gulf Warrant Evacuations
'For the past two months, she's been traveling back and forth between Louisiana and Florida to gather information about what's really happening and share the lessons she learned about long-term illnesses and deaths of cleanup workers and residents. In late May, she began meeting people in the Gulf with symptoms like headaches, dizziness, sore throats, burning eyes, rashes and blisters that are so deep, they're leaving scars. People are asking, "What's happening to me?"
She says the culprit is almost two million gallons of Corexit, the dispersant BP is using to break up and hide the oil below the ocean's surface. "It's an industrial solvent. It's a degreaser. It's chewing up boat engines off-shore. It's chewing up dive gear on-shore. Of course it's chewing up people's skin. The doctors are saying the solvents are making the oil worse"...Read more:
She says the culprit is almost two million gallons of Corexit, the dispersant BP is using to break up and hide the oil below the ocean's surface. "It's an industrial solvent. It's a degreaser. It's chewing up boat engines off-shore. It's chewing up dive gear on-shore. Of course it's chewing up people's skin. The doctors are saying the solvents are making the oil worse"...Read more:
The Esoteric Sense
One of the main teachings which can be seen most clearly in all instructions of a truly esoteric character concerns the attitude of the student of the occult. He is supposed to be dealing with things subjective and esoteric; he aims to be a worker in white magic. As such, he must assume and consistently hold the position of the Observer, detached from the mechanism of observation [602] and contact; he must recognize himself as essentially a spiritual entity, different in nature, objectives and methods of working from the bodies which he considers it wise to occupy temporarily and to employ. He must realize his unity and lines of contact with all similar workers and thus arrive at a conscious awareness of his position in the spiritual hierarchy of Beings. So much misinformation has been spread abroad and so much emphasis has been unwisely laid upon status and position in the so-called hierarchy of souls, that sane and balanced disciples now seek to turn their thoughts elsewhere and to eliminate as far as may be all thought of grades and spheres of activity. It is possible, in the swing of the pendulum, to swing too far in the opposite direction and to discount these stages of activity. Do not misunderstand me however; I do not suggest that an attempt be made to place people and to decide where they stand upon the evolutionary ladder. This has been most foolishly done in the past, with much dishonor to the subject, so much so that, in the minds of the public, the whole matter has fallen into disrepute. If these stages are regarded sanely for what they are - states of extended consciousness, and grades of responsibility - then the danger of personality reaction to the terms "accepted disciple, initiate, adept, master" would be negligible and much trouble would be eliminated. It must ever be remembered that individual status is rigidly kept to oneself, and the point of evolution (which may be truthfully recognized as lying ahead of that of the average citizen) will be demonstrated by a life of active unselfish service and by the manifestation of an illumined vision which is ahead of the racial more...
Buddhist Inspiration ..
Because in our culture we overvalue the intellect, we imagine that to become enlightened demands extraordinary intelligence. In fact, many kinds of cleverness are just further obscurations. There is a Tibetan saying: “If you are too clever, you could miss the point entirely.”
The Five Biggest Revelations of Wikileaks Documents

Just For Fun: The Seasiders 2010 - 2011
A quick insight into the season ahead for the English Premiership new boys, Blackpool. Will they sink or swim up there with the big boys of English football ....
The Queen of Cups has made an appearance to indicate the turbulence and emotion associated with The Seasider's journey through their first season in the English Premiership. The appearance of the King Of Pentacles suggests they will most definitely have to spend money in order to survive. They seem to survive by the skin of their teeth ... teetering above the drop zone? Fourth bottom is suggested ... drifting between third bottom and seventh bottom all season. Without applying any wishful thinking ... Blackpool appear to survive for a 2nd season in the Premiership... copyright Matthew James
The Path of Shin

It is also said of the path called Shin, that it helps to free our higher vehicles (minds) from the physical plane. A clear suggestion that the rational mind can overcome the damage in the Biosurvival circuit. The Tree of Life has further descriptions similar to this, "It has to do with weighing the evidence, estimation, and measurement." This influence of the rational mind on path 20 allows us to influence the first circuit and enable changes we may need to heal damage.
This path can tie the third circuit to a damaged first circuit, creating a cold, cruel survivor. It can also be used to heal the first circuit or to block it off from making a slave of the third circuit. The rational mind has calculated, cold emotions yet takes great joy in syntheses of patterns. By using the right set of patterns, and adding the strength of the fourth circuit sexuality, the subconscious can be overcome, healed, and integrated.
Such work on the Biosurvival circuit must take some form of physical activity in order to reach the unconscious, sub-physical brain cells controlling the first circuit activity. Meditation can help to reinforce or prepare the way for acceptance but only physical activity reaches this "flight or fight" physical more...
Dumbing-Down Society Part 3: How to Reverse its Effects
'The first two parts of this series describes the negative effects that some commonly consumed chemicals have on the body and brain. This third and final part looks at some natural ways to keep the brain healthy and provides tips to rid the body of dangerous substances. In other words, how to fight back against the dumbing down of society!...Read more:
Inspiration For The Day
"The greatest evil that can befall man is that he should come to think ill of himself." -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
"If we don’t forgive ourselves for our mistakes, and others for the wounds they have inflicted upon us, we end up crippled with guilt. And the soul cannot grow under a blanket of guilt, because guilt is isolating, while growth is a gradual process of reconnection to ourselves, to other people, and to a larger whole." -- Joan Borysenko
"If we don’t forgive ourselves for our mistakes, and others for the wounds they have inflicted upon us, we end up crippled with guilt. And the soul cannot grow under a blanket of guilt, because guilt is isolating, while growth is a gradual process of reconnection to ourselves, to other people, and to a larger whole." -- Joan Borysenko
Just For Fun: The Red Devils 2010 - 2011
It's getting close .... the new English Premiership season begins in about 3 weeks. Sadly, we have no pet octopus installed in a aquarium in the house! So, as far as accurate predictions for the new season go, it will be touch and go! The tarot layout below (is supposed) to be representative of the Red Devil's progress in the forthcoming new season ....
The King Of Cups? The King of the Cups in their hands? The Champion's League? Or is this the notion that Sir Alex's focus this season? The acquisition of players to attempt to attain this outcome? There appears to be an unexpected piece of good fortune ... but this is not evident at this stage. Holding the purse strings tight until ....? Will it be too late to ignite a somewhat average season? No clear indications of regaining the Premiership Title; though there does appear to be success this season .... Copyright Matthew James
Opening a Closed Connection

Monday, 26 July 2010
The Brow Chakra

Servitor Design Sequence - Part 3

Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
Both mindfulness and discriminative alertness are needed in responding to sensory input of the three types--attractive, unattractive and neutral. Once again, in this tradition mindfulness does not mean simply to witness. It is a more discriminative kind of thing. You are asking yourself, "What is my response?" and then actively responding by applying the antidotes to attachment and hostility. The word mindfulness is a little bit different in different contexts. Here, Mindfulness refers to the mental faculty of being able to maintain continuity of awareness of an object. Vigilance is concerned with the quality of mind, watching to see, for example, if the mind is veering off to other objects.
BP Oil Well 'Kill' Plan Delayed
'BP's plan to permanently stop the oil leakage of the Gulf of Mexico has been postponed to next week, US oil spill chief Thad Allen has said.
"So generally the next week will be preps, making sure everything is ready to go... and then the week of the first of August is when we will attempt to do the static kill and then move back and finish the bottom kill," Allen said...Read more:
"So generally the next week will be preps, making sure everything is ready to go... and then the week of the first of August is when we will attempt to do the static kill and then move back and finish the bottom kill," Allen said...Read more:
‘Minority Report’ Technology Used by Police to Predict Crimes


Described as a calm awareness of one's body functions, feelings, content of consciousness, or consciousness itself, it is the seventh element of the Noble Eightfold Path, the practice of which supports analysis resulting in the development of discernment (Pali: paññā, Sanskrit: prajñā). The Satipatthana Sutta (Sanskrit: Smṛtyupasthāna Sūtra) is one of the foremost early texts dealing with mindfulness. A key innovative teaching of the Buddha was that meditative stabilisation must be combined with a liberating more...
Inspiration For The Day
"I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it." -- William Faulkner
What have you been thinking lately? Do you know? We get so accustomed to our thoughts that we lose awareness of them. We don’t see how they are stuck in old habitual patterns, most of which don’t serve us. Take time to journal so you can capture your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you will begin to take control of your mind and use it to best advantage.
"When you choose to understand [and] exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to create your own reality, to be completely self-reliant and totally prosperous." -- The Delfin Knowledge System
What have you been thinking lately? Do you know? We get so accustomed to our thoughts that we lose awareness of them. We don’t see how they are stuck in old habitual patterns, most of which don’t serve us. Take time to journal so you can capture your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you will begin to take control of your mind and use it to best advantage.
"When you choose to understand [and] exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to create your own reality, to be completely self-reliant and totally prosperous." -- The Delfin Knowledge System
Defining 'Magick'

BP Oil and the Art of Masterful Deception
'This is what most Americans do not understand, BP functions as a sovereign government, it translate to mean that big oil answers to no one, but to their invisible Dynastic family bosses. The United States Congress and President Obama are deceptively giving the American people the impression that BP is answerable to the laws, rules, regulations and enactments of the United States Government (this is the furthest thing from the truth). BP makes the damn rules and their invisible tycoons are all sovereign and above all nations jurisprudence systems, what part of that doesn’t you understand?'...Read more:
Silent Escape ...
"The assassins came while we slept
I was ready and escaped
My pursuers unable to follow me
as I made my way down, down ... into the ancient passageways
Places only I had visited
Areas overgrown; entrances not seen
Torches had failed to penetrate that darkness
Too many minds succumbed to fear
But not I
for I knew what lay there
My future
So when that fateful night came
I was ready
I was fearless as I made my silent escape
It was later I cried for all the others who I left behind
who will have been murdered by assassin’s blade..."
Extract taken from "Escape' written by Matthew James 28 June 2002
I was ready and escaped
My pursuers unable to follow me
as I made my way down, down ... into the ancient passageways
Places only I had visited
Areas overgrown; entrances not seen
Torches had failed to penetrate that darkness
Too many minds succumbed to fear
But not I
for I knew what lay there
My future
So when that fateful night came
I was ready
I was fearless as I made my silent escape
It was later I cried for all the others who I left behind
who will have been murdered by assassin’s blade..."
Extract taken from "Escape' written by Matthew James 28 June 2002
A Clear Current

Sunday, 25 July 2010
Buddhist Inspiration ..
When you have many excuses not to do your work, ask yourself what guarantee you have of another chance to do what needs to be done. Time lost is lost for good. No matter how much you promise to improve, no matter what good intentions you have for making it up, the time is gone for good. Feeling sorry about the situation will not bring it back. You can never buy back that precious piece of time. You may think, "Well, that piece of time has passed, but I still have a long stretch of time left." No, you do not! What guarantee is there that you will have another piece of time like this one? Wake up and stop the excuses; they never made sense before and do not make sense now. Laziness and procrastination have never worked in a sound and helpful way. It is only sound and helpful to get things moving---Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Dharma Paths
Servitor Design Sequence - Part 2

In Pursuit?
There appears to be a high speed pursuit around twisting, turning lanes surrounded by rolling greeh hills of home. A dark coloured vehicle followed by one which has a deep blue colouration; a vehicle which bears plates not of the local area. The occupants observers ... watchers of a premises close by for sight of the little girl. Surveillance equipment evident if you were open the boot of their car. One sighting confirms suspicion. They move in ... but are betrayed by someone within their organisation. Those they have watched ready to bolt ... are on the move. But, is the little girl in their vehicle? Or have they similar vehicles used as decoys ... an airfield nearby. Perhaps their movements have been anticipated. Whatever the situation. It will not surface in the papers of the brotherhood owned newspapers .... Matthew James 25th July 2010
How To Remote View

One With The Elements
"I was one with the plains
One with the air, the water, the fire, the earth
I travelled by the power of my will
Learning the way of the sky
Aware of my destiny from an early age
Caring not it carried me away from the tribe into tributaries of soliloquy
Places of power built by an ancient race
Former keepers of the land our kind did so caring nurture..."
Extract taken from 'A Fire Burned Under A Different Sky' written by Matthew James 5th November 2001
One with the air, the water, the fire, the earth
I travelled by the power of my will
Learning the way of the sky
Aware of my destiny from an early age
Caring not it carried me away from the tribe into tributaries of soliloquy
Places of power built by an ancient race
Former keepers of the land our kind did so caring nurture..."
Extract taken from 'A Fire Burned Under A Different Sky' written by Matthew James 5th November 2001
Scientists Confirm Matt Simmons Claim by Discovering Two Giant Underwater Oil Spills
'It's official -- the oil plumes USF scientists found deep underwater in the Gulf are definitely from the BP blowout. USF researchers said Friday they used chemical fingerprints to directly tie the clouds of oil to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.'
Today's Inspiration
"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." -- Sigmund Freud
In his book Nobody’s Victim, Christopher J. McCullough explains, "In order to live your freedom, you must first accept reality. ‘These are the choices, and given those choices, which do I choose?’ Whether the option you select is pleasant or painful does not alter the fact that, given reality, this is your preference.
"To live your freedom, it is helpful to stop and ask yourself, ‘Why am I doing this?’ and then notice whether, given the options, you are choosing what you really want, or whether you want to choose something else.... Sometimes the exercise of freedom involves naming your poison -- all choices may lead to outcomes that are in some way painful. But the real pain is that of feeling powerless -- denying your freedom."
"Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves." -- Dr. Rollo May
In his book Nobody’s Victim, Christopher J. McCullough explains, "In order to live your freedom, you must first accept reality. ‘These are the choices, and given those choices, which do I choose?’ Whether the option you select is pleasant or painful does not alter the fact that, given reality, this is your preference.
"To live your freedom, it is helpful to stop and ask yourself, ‘Why am I doing this?’ and then notice whether, given the options, you are choosing what you really want, or whether you want to choose something else.... Sometimes the exercise of freedom involves naming your poison -- all choices may lead to outcomes that are in some way painful. But the real pain is that of feeling powerless -- denying your freedom."
"Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves." -- Dr. Rollo May
Incredible Coincidences

The Awakening of the Centres

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