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Saturday 3 July 2010

Seventy Million Expired Flu Vaccines About to be Incinerated as Waste

'Forty million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine are about to go up in flames, and another 30 million will soon meet the same fate. They've expired, you see, and despite the CDC's best efforts to push flu vaccines on the American people, the industry still couldn't find a way to offload seventy million doses of a vaccine that doesn't even work. So crank up the incinerators! When it comes to flu vaccines in the USA, it turns out we all got burned.

I could have told you this was coming. Actually, myself and a long list of other natural health authors, doctors and independent journalists did tell you this was coming. We warned over a year ago that the swine flu pandemic was a hoax, and that the CDC and WHO were fanning the flames of a this false pandemic in order to increase demand for H1N1 vaccines that would inflate the profits of their corporate masters (the drug companies)...Read more: