Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday, 12 July 2010

Six Of Cups

Gone are the fears about what others may think of us. This card marks a time in our lives when we give of ourselves, our talents and skills freely without concern. We are undaunted in our efforts to shine our inner light into the world. We fear no retribution. We work in cooperation of a universal flow, and we know that nothing but goodness and kindness rises to meet our endeavours.

In a reading, this card represents a green light to share our special talents with the world. Do so without looking back. Take no notice of what others might say or do in response to your gift. Simply know you are brilliant, and that light which you offer is equally brilliant.

The six of cups in a reading also indicates trust and forgiveness in partnerships, relationships, or family ties. Reunions are on the horizons, as are new understandings from other points of view.

This card also asks us to take time to smell the roses, be keenly aware of the blessings that saturate every inch of our lives, and take a moment to thank the people around us for simply being who they are. (tarot teachings)