The Turtle comes in many sizes and some Box Turtles can be very small, about the size of a quarter. Box Turtles are one of those who live on the land. Some species of Turtle seldom leave the water and have webbed feet to aid in fast swimming. The female will leave the water to dig a deep hole in the sand in which to lay her eggs. These Turtles are very connected to the element of water and the flowing freedom it brings. Turtle shells are very beautiful and the markings often found at the bottom of their bodies can be quite intricate and artistic.
According to some cultures, the top shell of a turtle is said to represent Heaven while the bottom of the shell or underbelly is thought to represent Mother Earth. The Turtle unites Heaven and Earth. There is a Chinese legend that tells of the Sacred Turtle; its shell contains a map of the Nine Regions of China and it holds up the sky, he is honored and respected by the people of that country. The Turtle is also one of the Four Guardians of the Compass of Celestial Emblems of the Chinese Emperor; it guards the North is associated with the winter season and its color symbol is black. The Lakota Indians of the Midwest United States see the Turtle as their creator, to them she is a feminine power and, as she grants life; she is sacred to them. The women of the Lakota tribe aspire to be as the Turtle, flexible and long-lived...read more...