Surely the most difficult away game of the season for The Seasiders? Also, in the light of Chelsea's impressive home form, and the way Arsenal tore The Seasiders apart, this result is a foregone conclusion ... another hammering inflicted on The Seasiders? Surely? All the odds seem to be stacked in that direction? Indeed The Hermit's appearance in the spread suggests some kind of 'learning' or 'teaching' in this fixture. There is also the appearance of an apparent storm at the bottom of the spread. A storming of The Seasider's defence and a glut of goals? That is obvious is it not .... there's no need for a tarot spread to predict this? Surely? There is not the significator, which had appeared in a number of previous, spreads that indicated a victory for The Seasiders (And The Red Devils) ... so it is unlikely there are three points for The Seasiders in this game. What The Seasiders mustn't do is become overwhelmed by the fixture, the location and the team. This will be their downfall if they succumb to 'adoration' (The Sunflower symbol held by the figure bearing The Seasider's colours). Play like they did against Newcastle and the wheel of fortune should turn their way. A game of surprises. Possibly a Seasider's goal? That is possible ... but would it be improbable if this spread indicated two goals by The Seasiders? Not possible surely ... nobody has scored a single goal at Stamford Bridge yet this season.... mind you Newcastle hadn't lost at home in over a season; and the last Just For Fun rightly predicted the improbable ........ wishful thinking suggests a draw for The Seasiders. Reason contradicts this. Instinct errs on caution ... and suggests something unexpected and surprising in this game. Surprising does not seem to be a record Premiership scoreline ...!