Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Inspiration ... for today

“Problems exist only in the human mind.” -- Anthony de Mello

For most of us, there’s always a long ‘to do’ list. That’s a fact. And it’s easy to feel victimized. ‘Poor me!’ That’s not a fact – that’s a choice. Experiment with your life to explore how much your mind is your jailer. Simply let go of the ‘oh woe’ kinds of thoughts. Silence your mind. Be right here, right now. Decide what you will do now and do it, without buying in to the mind’s sob story. When one task is done, you can then choose another. Allowing the mind to agonize about the size of the ‘to do’ list just makes us tired before we even get started. It doesn’t have to be this way.

“Don't water your weeds.” -- Harvey Mackay