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Tuesday 8 February 2011

'What's The Score'? - Seasiders Vs Aston Villa

Somehow The Seasiders HAVE to stop the rot. Despite coming back from 2 v 1 down at Everton to lead 3 v 2 ... they fell apart (Again) in the last fifteen minutes to finally go down 5 v 3. Next stop a home fixture with Aston Villa; who only just defeated The Seasiders 'B' team earlier in the season ... will The Seasiders prevail and get past the 30 point barrier and also avoid dropping into the bottom three for the first time this season?
The portends indicate 'the end of an era' for The Seasiders in this game ... loosely interpreted as meaning the end of their losing streak??? The Sun may well be shining on The Seasiders ... regeneration and gathering of new strength is also heralded here. For Aston Villa there are indications of a lack of decisive & clear actions which could result in not getting a reward for their labours.
A nervous time for the home supporters indeed ... but, the spread suggests another success for The Seasiders ???