Ancient civilization's tell of tales where gods or celestial beings would take human women as their wives, this is common in many cultures that are even separated by oceans. Every civilization tells of tales of celestial beings from the heavens that would rule societies or interact with kings and civilizations. The offsprings of these couples would be known as demi-gods. Almost every civilization has records of these demi-gods. A common theme too about these celestial beings, were that they were immortal and from the stars. This is also a common theme and pattern as well.
What is truly astounding is that many of the ancient civilizations according to conventional wisdom are completely isolated from one another yet they all have developed idea's and "stories" about celestial beings interacting with them. Perhaps these are not stories at all but are their historical records. Whether it be the Nephilim of the Bible, The Annunaki of ancient Sumerian texts, or the pantheon of God's in ancient Greek, Egyptian and south American, almost every ancient civilization has stories of immortals Gods who have interacted and shaped there more>>>...