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Thursday 25 June 2015

Name and Shame - Jon Donnis (Bad Psychics Techno Geek)

He's made it onto my Name and Shame list. Well done keyboard warrior. It is an honour, really to be on this list. Your actions via e-mail and recently on Twitter are unacceptable. This is justifiable by the fact you have attacked me on your Bad Psychics site plus add me to your Black list ... therefore I have the equal right to add you to my own Name & Shame list.

To cut a long story short, I chose to use the term 'Bad Psychics' on one of my posts.  This Keyboard Warrior then took it upon himself to attack me, my standing and my skills. Guess what 'Bad Psychics'  is not your trademark. I am perfectly entitled to use the two words together! You don't own the term bad psychics.  I don't need traffic from your Bad Psychics page. I checked out site meter and found there was barely 4 people coming over from your site. Four people out of 9.5 million is barely nicking your traffic matey. How many did the word Bad Psychic lead to your page from mine ????

I really enjoy your digs and abuse. I also enjoy the same from your fans. Keep it up! You are spreading the word about me ... keep it up .. any advertising is good advertising. I have many sceptic converts in the ranks of believers. The more the merrier. Free advertising thanks buddy boy. I'm not scared of you and your alleged reputation as a bully with a obsessional hate campaign.

I know you won't be happy with me! You are so used to dishing out the dirt with everyone else. It's time someone gave it back. You think you can expose me and destroy me. Guess what ... I will stand up to you. I will deflect back everything you throw at me. I have no fear of being exposed as a fake as I know I am not one. Try Jonny boy, try. I have experienced bullying and attacks far worse than yours in my life. I'm still standing. I have no fear. Your method of force feed your own belief and your own fears on other people is defamatory. There are fakes out there, yes. Good boy for exposing them. But I wonder what sparked off this obsessional hate campaign you have? When I found out why I will let the world know. Believe me.